Thread: Use a TEXT string which is an output from a function for executing a new query in postgres

I have created a function myresult() that receives as input Table name, and a Prefix, it then creates an SQL one liner command to SELECT from the specified table only the columns that share the designated prefix. It output a string which is basically the desired SQL command. My function is as follows and I show how I call it as well: 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myresult(mytable text, myprefix text)
DECLARE   myoneliner text;
BEGIN   SELECT INTO myoneliner            'SELECT '        || string_agg(quote_ident(column_name::text), ',' ORDER BY column_name)        || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(mytable)   FROM   information_schema.columns   WHERE  table_name = mytable   AND    column_name LIKE myprefix||'%'   AND    table_schema = 'public';  -- schema name; might be another param
   RAISE NOTICE 'My additional text: %', myoneliner;   RETURN myoneliner;
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

--now call function
select myresult('dkj_p_k27ac','enri');
--now call the function:

select myresult('dkj_p_k27ac','enri');   
And now, upon running the above procedure - I get a text string, which is basically a query (I'll refer to it up next as 'oneliner-output', just for simplicity). The 'oneline-output' looks as follows (i just copy/paste it from the one output cell that i've got into here):

"SELECT enrich_d_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_lr_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_r_dkj_p_k27ac FROM dkj_p_k27ac"

  • please note that the double quotes from both sides of the statement were part of the myresult() output (i didn't add them by myself).

 basically, I am able to copy/paste the 'oneliner-output' into a new postgres query window and execute it as a normal query just fine - receiving the desired columns and rows in my Data Output window. I would like however to automate this step, so to avoid the copy/paste step. Is there a way in postgres to use the TEXT output (the 'oneliner-output') that I receive from myresult() function, and execute it? Can a second function be created that would receive the output of myresult() and use it for executing a query?

Along these lines, while I know that this scripting works and actually output exactly the desired columns and rows:

--DEALLOCATE stmt1; -- use this line after the first time 'stmt1' was created
prepare stmt1 as SELECT enrich_d_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_lr_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_r_dkj_p_k27ac FROM dkj_p_k27ac;
execute stmt1;
I was thinking maybe something like the following scripting could work, after doing the right tweaking?? Not sure how though..

prepare stmt1 as THE_OUTPUT_OF_myresult();
execute stmt1;

Thanks a lot! 
On 01/07/2015 11:12 AM, Roy Blum wrote:
I have created a function myresult() that receives as input Table name, and a Prefix, it then creates an SQL one liner command to SELECT from the specified table only the columns that share the designated prefix. It output a string which is basically the desired SQL command. My function is as follows and I show how I call it as well: 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myresult(mytable text, myprefix text)
DECLARE   myoneliner text;
BEGIN   SELECT INTO myoneliner            'SELECT '        || string_agg(quote_ident(column_name::text), ',' ORDER BY column_name)        || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(mytable)   FROM   information_schema.columns   WHERE  table_name = mytable   AND    column_name LIKE myprefix||'%'   AND    table_schema = 'public';  -- schema name; might be another param
   RAISE NOTICE 'My additional text: %', myoneliner;   RETURN myoneliner;
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

--now call function
select myresult('dkj_p_k27ac','enri');
--now call the function:

select myresult('dkj_p_k27ac','enri');   
And now, upon running the above procedure - I get a text string, which is basically a query (I'll refer to it up next as 'oneliner-output', just for simplicity). The 'oneline-output' looks as follows (i just copy/paste it from the one output cell that i've got into here):

"SELECT enrich_d_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_lr_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_r_dkj_p_k27ac FROM dkj_p_k27ac"

  • please note that the double quotes from both sides of the statement were part of the myresult() output (i didn't add them by myself).

 basically, I am able to copy/paste the 'oneliner-output' into a new postgres query window and execute it as a normal query just fine - receiving the desired columns and rows in my Data Output window. I would like however to automate this step, so to avoid the copy/paste step. Is there a way in postgres to use the TEXT output (the 'oneliner-output') that I receive from myresult() function, and execute it? Can a second function be created that would receive the output of myresult() and use it for executing a query?

Along these lines, while I know that this scripting works and actually output exactly the desired columns and rows:

--DEALLOCATE stmt1; -- use this line after the first time 'stmt1' was created
prepare stmt1 as SELECT enrich_d_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_lr_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_r_dkj_p_k27ac FROM dkj_p_k27ac;
execute stmt1;
I was thinking maybe something like the following scripting could work, after doing the right tweaking?? Not sure how though..

prepare stmt1 as THE_OUTPUT_OF_myresult();
execute stmt1;

Thanks a lot! 
Have you looked into "dynamic sql", in which you concoct a statement and the PERFORM it directly from you "myresult" function?
On 01/08/2015 02:12 AM, Roy Blum wrote:
> I have created a function *myresult()* that receives as input Table
> name, and a Prefix, it then creates an SQL one liner command to SELECT
> from the specified table only the columns that share the designated
> prefix. It output a string which is basically the desired SQL command.
> My function is as follows and I show how I call it as well: 

This is reposted from Stack Overflow, where it has already been pretty
comprehensively answered.

As suggested earlier - return a refcursor.

-- Craig Ringer          Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services