Thread: ZIP function

ZIP function

"Victor Sterpu"
Is there a function that will give the resulting zip content for a string?
Like SELECT zip('test data');?
Thank you.

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Re: ZIP function

Jasen Betts
On 2013-03-16, Victor Sterpu <> wrote:
> --------=_MBF521B7A8-BC31-4E93-BC62-8C86007F2089
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=utf-8
> Is there a function that will give the resulting zip content for a=20
> string?
> Like SELECT zip('test data');?

no. you could write one that calls gzip in one of the untrusted
languages.  or in C you could call zlib.

⚂⚃ 100% natural

Re: ZIP function

Ben Morrow
Quoth (Jasen Betts):
> On 2013-03-16, Victor Sterpu <> wrote:
> >
> > Is there a function that will give the resulting zip content for a=20
> > string?
> > Like SELECT zip('test data');?
> no. you could write one that calls gzip in one of the untrusted
> languages.  or in C you could call zlib.

You can call Compress::Zlib or Archive::Zip (depending on which sort of
'zip' you mean) from (trusted) PL/Perl, provided you load the modules
from plperl.on_init.
