Thread: Order preservation of search phrases in postgresql FTS/OpenFTS

Order preservation of search phrases in postgresql FTS/OpenFTS

Puneet Mishra
<div style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000">Dear List ,<br /><div style="font-family: Arial;
font-size:10pt; color: #000099"><span><br />Is there anyway to penalize (severly)  the ranking of those documents where
the<br/>vector items do not appear in the same order as the items of to_tsquery ie<br />the initial search terms. <br
/><br/></span><span>For example if a keyword  "Red Wine" is searched then it should only match "Red Wine" or "Red Grape
Wine"or,<br />but should not match "Wine Red color" or "Wine ..... .... .. .. Red" etc.</span><br /><br />Currently it
penalizesbut not as severely as we would want it to.<br /><br />Also any pointers to the places (in source code) where
thingscan be tweaked <br />shall be greatly appreciated.<br /><span id="2ce499a3-0ac2-4b2e-9f0b-c4357d301f58"><br
/>Regards,<br/><br />Puneet Mishra<br /><br /></span></div></div>