Thread: Lowest 2 items per

Lowest 2 items per

"Relyea, Mike"
I need a little help putting together a query.  I have the tables listed
below and I need to return the lowest two consumables (ranked by cost
divided by yield) per printer, per color of consumable, per type of

( printerid serial NOT NULL, make text NOT NULL, model text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT printers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (make ,
model), CONSTRAINT printers_printerid_key UNIQUE (printerid ), 

CREATE TABLE consumables
( consumableid serial NOT NULL, brand text NOT NULL, partnumber text NOT NULL, color text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL,
yieldinteger, cost double precision, CONSTRAINT consumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (brand , partnumber ), CONSTRAINT
consumables_consumableid_keyUNIQUE (consumableid ) 

CREATE TABLE printersandconsumables
( printerid integer NOT NULL, consumableid integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY
consumableid ), CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_consumableid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
(consumableid)     REFERENCES consumables (consumableid) MATCH SIMPLE     ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINTprintersandconsumables_printerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY 

I've pulled together this query which gives me the lowest consumable per
printer per color per type, but I need the lowest two not just the first

SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp
FROM printers
JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
ORDER BY make, model;

After doing a google search I didn't come up with anything that I was
able to use so I'm asking you fine folks!


Re: Lowest 2 items per

"Oliveiros d'Azevedo Cristina"
Hi, Mike,

Can you tell me if this gives what you want, and if it doesn't, what is the 
error reported, or wrong result ?

This is untested query, so Im not sure about it.


SELECT make, model, color,type, subquery1.cpp, min(cost/yield) as cpp2
SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp
FROM printers
JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
) subquery1
SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
FROM printers
JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
) subquery2
WHERE subquery2.cost / subquery2.yield <> subquery1.cpp
GROUP BY make, model, color,type
ORDER BY make, model;

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Relyea, Mike" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 3:34 PM
Subject: [SQL] Lowest 2 items per

I need a little help putting together a query.  I have the tables listed
below and I need to return the lowest two consumables (ranked by cost
divided by yield) per printer, per color of consumable, per type of

( printerid serial NOT NULL, make text NOT NULL, model text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT printers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (make ,
model), CONSTRAINT printers_printerid_key UNIQUE (printerid ),

CREATE TABLE consumables
( consumableid serial NOT NULL, brand text NOT NULL, partnumber text NOT NULL, color text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL,
yieldinteger, cost double precision, CONSTRAINT consumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (brand , partnumber ), CONSTRAINT
consumables_consumableid_keyUNIQUE (consumableid )

CREATE TABLE printersandconsumables
( printerid integer NOT NULL, consumableid integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY
consumableid ), CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_consumableid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
(consumableid)     REFERENCES consumables (consumableid) MATCH SIMPLE     ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINTprintersandconsumables_printerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY

I've pulled together this query which gives me the lowest consumable per
printer per color per type, but I need the lowest two not just the first

SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp
FROM printers
JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
ORDER BY make, model;

After doing a google search I didn't come up with anything that I was
able to use so I'm asking you fine folks!


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Re: Lowest 2 items per

David Johnston
On Jun 1, 2012, at 10:34, "Relyea, Mike" <> wrote:

> I need a little help putting together a query.  I have the tables listed
> below and I need to return the lowest two consumables (ranked by cost
> divided by yield) per printer, per color of consumable, per type of
> consumable.
> CREATE TABLE printers
> (
>  printerid serial NOT NULL,
>  make text NOT NULL,
>  model text NOT NULL,
>  CONSTRAINT printers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (make , model ),
>  CONSTRAINT printers_printerid_key UNIQUE (printerid ),
> )
> CREATE TABLE consumables
> (
>  consumableid serial NOT NULL,
>  brand text NOT NULL,
>  partnumber text NOT NULL,
>  color text NOT NULL,
>  type text NOT NULL,
>  yield integer,
>  cost double precision,
>  CONSTRAINT consumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (brand , partnumber ),
>  CONSTRAINT consumables_consumableid_key UNIQUE (consumableid )
> )
> CREATE TABLE printersandconsumables
> (
>  printerid integer NOT NULL,
>  consumableid integer NOT NULL,
>  CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (printerid ,
> consumableid ),
>  CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_consumableid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
> (consumableid)
>      REFERENCES consumables (consumableid) MATCH SIMPLE
>  CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_printerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
> (printerid)
>      REFERENCES printers (printerid) MATCH SIMPLE
> )
> I've pulled together this query which gives me the lowest consumable per
> printer per color per type, but I need the lowest two not just the first
> lowest.
> SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp
> FROM printers
> JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
> printersandconsumables.printerid
> JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
> printersandconsumables.consumableid
> WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
> AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
> GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type
> ORDER BY make, model;
> After doing a google search I didn't come up with anything that I was
> able to use so I'm asking you fine folks!
> Mike
> --
> Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

I would recommend using the "RANK" window function with an appropriate partition clause in a sub-query then in the
outerquery you simply WHERE rank <= 2 

You will need to decide how to deal with ties.

David J.

Re: Lowest 2 items per

"Oliveiros d'Azevedo Cristina"
Sorry, Mike, previous query was flawed.

This is (hopefully) the correct version

SELECT make, model, color,type, subquery1.cpp, min(cost/yield) as cpp2(SELECT printers.make, printers.model,
consumables.color,consumables.type,min(cost/yield) AS cppFROM printersJOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid
=printersandconsumables.printeridJOINconsumables ON consumables.consumableid =printersandconsumables.consumableidWHERE
consumables.costIs Not NullAND consumables.yield Is Not NullGROUP BY printers.make, printers.model,
consumables.color,consumables.type)subquery1JOIN(SELECT printers.make, printers.model,
consumables.color,consumables.type,cost,yieldFROMprintersJOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid
=printersandconsumables.printeridJOINconsumables ON consumables.consumableid =printersandconsumables.consumableidWHERE
consumables.costIs Not NullAND consumables.yield Is Not Null) subquery2
ON (subquery1.make = subquery2.make
AND subquery1.model = subquery2.model
AND subquery1.color = subquery2.color
AND subquery1.type = subquery2.type)WHERE subquery2.cost / subquery2.yield <> subquery1.cppGROUP BY
subquery2.color,subquery2.type,subquery1.cppORDER BY make, model;

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Oliveiros d'Azevedo Cristina" <>
To: "Relyea, Mike" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [SQL] Lowest 2 items per

> Hi, Mike,
> Can you tell me if this gives what you want, and if it doesn't, what is 
> the error reported, or wrong result ?
> This is untested query, so Im not sure about it.
> Best,
> Oliver
> SELECT make, model, color,type, subquery1.cpp, min(cost/yield) as cpp2
> (
> SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp
> FROM printers
> JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
> printersandconsumables.printerid
> JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
> printersandconsumables.consumableid
> WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
> AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
> GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type
> ) subquery1
> (
> SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type
> FROM printers
> JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
> printersandconsumables.printerid
> JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
> printersandconsumables.consumableid
> WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
> AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
> ) subquery2
> WHERE subquery2.cost / subquery2.yield <> subquery1.cpp
> GROUP BY make, model, color,type
> ORDER BY make, model;
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Relyea, Mike" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 3:34 PM
> Subject: [SQL] Lowest 2 items per
> I need a little help putting together a query.  I have the tables listed
> below and I need to return the lowest two consumables (ranked by cost
> divided by yield) per printer, per color of consumable, per type of
> consumable.
> CREATE TABLE printers
> (
>  printerid serial NOT NULL,
>  make text NOT NULL,
>  model text NOT NULL,
>  CONSTRAINT printers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (make , model ),
>  CONSTRAINT printers_printerid_key UNIQUE (printerid ),
> )
> CREATE TABLE consumables
> (
>  consumableid serial NOT NULL,
>  brand text NOT NULL,
>  partnumber text NOT NULL,
>  color text NOT NULL,
>  type text NOT NULL,
>  yield integer,
>  cost double precision,
>  CONSTRAINT consumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (brand , partnumber ),
>  CONSTRAINT consumables_consumableid_key UNIQUE (consumableid )
> )
> CREATE TABLE printersandconsumables
> (
>  printerid integer NOT NULL,
>  consumableid integer NOT NULL,
>  CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (printerid ,
> consumableid ),
>  CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_consumableid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
> (consumableid)
>      REFERENCES consumables (consumableid) MATCH SIMPLE
>  CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_printerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
> (printerid)
>      REFERENCES printers (printerid) MATCH SIMPLE
> )
> I've pulled together this query which gives me the lowest consumable per
> printer per color per type, but I need the lowest two not just the first
> lowest.
> SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp
> FROM printers
> JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
> printersandconsumables.printerid
> JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
> printersandconsumables.consumableid
> WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
> AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
> GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type
> ORDER BY make, model;
> After doing a google search I didn't come up with anything that I was
> able to use so I'm asking you fine folks!
> Mike
> -- 
> Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:
> -- 
> Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

Re: Lowest 2 items per

"Relyea, Mike"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Johnston []
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 11:13 AM
> To: Relyea, Mike
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: [SQL] Lowest 2 items per
> I would recommend using the "RANK" window function with an appropriate
> partition clause in a sub-query then in the outer query you simply
> rank <= 2
> You will need to decide how to deal with ties.
> David J.


I've never used window functions before and rank looks like it'd do the
job quite nicely.  Unfortunately I'm using 8.3 - which I should have
mentioned in my original request but didn't.  Window functions weren't
introduced until 8.4 from what I can tell.


Re: Lowest 2 items per

"Relyea, Mike"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oliveiros d'Azevedo Cristina
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 11:21 AM
> To: Oliveiros d'Azevedo Cristina; Relyea, Mike;
> Subject: Re: [SQL] Lowest 2 items per
> Sorry, Mike, previous query was flawed.
> This is (hopefully) the correct version
> Best,
> Oliver
>  SELECT make, model, color,type, subquery1.cpp, min(cost/yield) as
cpp2  (
> SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp  FROM printers  JOIN
> printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
> printersandconsumables.printerid  JOIN consumables ON
> consumables.consumableid =  printersandconsumables.consumableid
>  WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
>  AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
>  GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type
>  ) subquery1
>  (
>  SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type,cost,yield  FROM printers  JOIN
> ON printers.printerid =  printersandconsumables.printerid  JOIN
> consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
> printersandconsumables.consumableid
>  WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
>  AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
>  ) subquery2
> ON (subquery1.make = subquery2.make
> AND subquery1.model = subquery2.model
> AND subquery1.color = subquery2.color
> AND subquery1.type = subquery2.type)
>  WHERE subquery2.cost / subquery2.yield <> subquery1.cpp  GROUP BY
> subquery2.make,subquery2. model,
> subquery2.color,subquery2.type,subquery1.cpp
>  ORDER BY make, model;


I had to make a few grammatical corrections on your query to get it to
run, but once I did it gave me almost correct results.  It leaves out
all of the printer models that only have one consumable with a cost.
Some printers might have more than two black inks and some might have
only one.  Your query only returns those printers that have two or more.

Here's your query with the corrections I had to make
SELECT subquery2.Make, subquery2.Model, subquery2.Color,subquery2.Type,
subquery1.cpp, min(Cost/Yield) as cpp2
FROM(  SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
Consumables.Type, min(Cost/Yield) AS cpp  FROM Printers  JOIN
PrintersAndConsumables ON Printers.PrinterID =
PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN Consumables ON
Consumables.ConsumableID =  PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableIDWHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not NullAND Consumables.Yield
IsNot NullGROUP BY Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color, 
Consumables.Type) subquery1JOIN(SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
Consumables.Type,Cost,Yield  FROM Printers  JOIN PrintersAndConsumables
ON Printers.PrinterID =  PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN
Consumables ON Consumables.ConsumableID =
PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableIDWHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not NullAND Consumables.Yield Is Not Null) subquery2
ON (subquery1.Make = subquery2.Make
AND subquery1.Model = subquery2.Model
AND subquery1.Color = subquery2.Color
AND subquery1.Type = subquery2.Type)WHERE subquery2.Cost / subquery2.Yield <> subquery1.cpp  GROUP BY
subquery2.Color,subquery2.Type,subquery1.cppORDER BY Make, Model;


Re: Lowest 2 items per

"Oliveiros d'Azevedo Cristina"

I had to make a few grammatical corrections on your query to get it to
run, but once I did it gave me almost correct results.  It leaves out
all of the printer models that only have one consumable with a cost.
Some printers might have more than two black inks and some might have
only one.  Your query only returns those printers that have two or more.

Here's your query with the corrections I had to make
SELECT subquery2.Make, subquery2.Model, subquery2.Color,subquery2.Type,
subquery1.cpp, min(Cost/Yield) as cpp2
FROM(  SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
Consumables.Type, min(Cost/Yield) AS cpp  FROM Printers  JOIN
PrintersAndConsumables ON Printers.PrinterID =
PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN Consumables ON
Consumables.ConsumableID =  PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableIDWHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not NullAND Consumables.Yield
IsNot NullGROUP BY Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
Consumables.Type) subquery1JOIN(SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
Consumables.Type,Cost,Yield  FROM Printers  JOIN PrintersAndConsumables
ON Printers.PrinterID =  PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN
Consumables ON Consumables.ConsumableID =
PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableIDWHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not NullAND Consumables.Yield Is Not Null) subquery2
ON (subquery1.Make = subquery2.Make
AND subquery1.Model = subquery2.Model
AND subquery1.Color = subquery2.Color
AND subquery1.Type = subquery2.Type)WHERE subquery2.Cost / subquery2.Yield <> subquery1.cpp  GROUP BY
subquery2.Color,subquery2.Type,subquery1.cppORDER BY Make, Model;

* Hello again, Mike,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Yes, you are right, now, thinking about the way I built it, the query, 
indeed, leaves out the corner case of models which have just one

I didn't try ur version of the query.
Does itork now with your improvements ?
Or were they only gramatical ?



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Re: Lowest 2 items per

"Relyea, Mike"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oliveiros d'Azevedo Cristina
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 12:28 PM
> To: Relyea, Mike
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [SQL] Lowest 2 items per
> Yes, you are right, now, thinking about the way I built it, the query,
> leaves out the corner case of models which have just one consumable.
> I didn't try ur version of the query.
> Does itork now with your improvements ?
> Or were they only gramatical ?
> Best,
> Oliver

I only made grammatical changes necessary for the query to function
(adding a missing FROM, fully qualifying "SELECT Make" as " SELECT
subquery2.Make", etc.)
I tried changing the join type to right and left but that did not have
the desired result.


Re: Lowest 2 items per

"Oliveiros d'Azevedo Cristina"

I only made grammatical changes necessary for the query to function
(adding a missing FROM, fully qualifying "SELECT Make" as " SELECT
subquery2.Make", etc.)
I tried changing the join type to right and left but that did not have
the desired result.

* I see...

If we add a query with a union that selects only the single ink printers.

Something like

SELECT subquery2.Make, subquery2.Model, subquery2.Color,subquery2.Type,
subquery1.cpp, min(Cost/Yield) as cpp2  
FROM(  SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
Consumables.Type, min(Cost/Yield) AS cpp  FROM Printers  JOIN
PrintersAndConsumables ON Printers.PrinterID =
PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN Consumables ON
Consumables.ConsumableID =  PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableIDWHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not NullAND Consumables.Yield
IsNot NullGROUP BY Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
Consumables.Type) subquery1JOIN(SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
Consumables.Type,Cost,Yield  FROM Printers  JOIN PrintersAndConsumables
ON Printers.PrinterID =  PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN
Consumables ON Consumables.ConsumableID =
PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableIDWHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not NullAND Consumables.Yield Is Not Null) subquery2
ON (subquery1.Make = subquery2.Make
AND subquery1.Model = subquery2.Model
AND subquery1.Color = subquery2.Color
AND subquery1.Type = subquery2.Type)WHERE subquery2.Cost / subquery2.Yield <> subquery1.cpp  GROUP BY
SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
Consumables.Type, min(Cost/Yield) AS cpp,min(Cost/Yield) AS cpp2 FROM Printers  JOIN
PrintersAndConsumables ON Printers.PrinterID =
PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN Consumables ON
Consumables.ConsumableID =  PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableIDWHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not NullAND Consumables.Yield
IsNot NullGROUP BY Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,

Can this be the results we're after



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Re: Lowest 2 items per

Mario Dankoor
On 2012-06-01 5:44 PM, Relyea, Mike wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Johnston []
>> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 11:13 AM
>> To: Relyea, Mike
>> Cc:<>
>> Subject: Re: [SQL] Lowest 2 items per
>> I would recommend using the "RANK" window function with an appropriate
>> partition clause in a sub-query then in the outer query you simply
>> rank<= 2
>> You will need to decide how to deal with ties.
>> David J.
> David,
> I've never used window functions before and rank looks like it'd do the
> job quite nicely.  Unfortunately I'm using 8.3 - which I should have
> mentioned in my original request but didn't.  Window functions weren't
> introduced until 8.4 from what I can tell.
> Mike

try following query it's a variation on a top  N ( = 3) query
FROM (      SELECT  PRN.make             ,PRN.model             ,CSM.color             ,CSM.type
,cost/yieldrank      FROM  consumable            CSM           ,printers              PRN
,printersandconsumablePCM      WHERE 1 = 1      AND PCM.printerid    = PRN.printerid      AND PCM.consumableid =
CSM.consumableid     group by PRN.make             ,PRN.model             ,CSM.color             ,CSM.type      ) FRS
WHERE 3 > (            SELECT COUNT(*)            FROM (                   SELECT  PRN.make
,PRN.model                         ,CSM.color                          ,CSM.type                          ,cost/yield
rank                   FROM  consumable            CSM                         ,printers              PRN
         ,printersandconsumable PCM                    WHERE 1 = 1                    AND PCM.printerid    =
PRN.printerid                   AND PCM.consumableid = CSM.consumableid                    group by PRN.make
               ,PRN.model                            ,CSM.color                            ,CSM.type                  )
NXT           WHERE 1 = 1            AND NXT.make = FRS.make            AND NXT.model= FRS.model            AND
NXT.color=FRS.color            AND NXT.type = FRS.type            AND NXT.cost <= FRS.cost          )

Re: Lowest 2 items per

"Relyea, Mike"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:pgsql-sql-
>] On Behalf Of Mario Dankoor
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 2:31 PM
> To: Relyea, Mike
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [SQL] Lowest 2 items per
> Mike,
> try following query it's a variation on a top  N ( = 3) query SELECT
> (
>        SELECT  PRN.make
>               ,PRN.model
>               ,CSM.color
>               ,CSM.type
>               ,cost/yield rank
>        FROM  consumable            CSM
>             ,printers              PRN
>             ,printersandconsumable PCM
>        WHERE 1 = 1
>        AND PCM.printerid    = PRN.printerid
>        AND PCM.consumableid = CSM.consumableid
>        group by PRN.make
>               ,PRN.model
>               ,CSM.color
>               ,CSM.type
>        ) FRS
> WHERE 3 > (
>              SELECT COUNT(*)
>              FROM (
>                     SELECT  PRN.make
>                            ,PRN.model
>                            ,CSM.color
>                            ,CSM.type
>                            ,cost/yield rank
>                      FROM  consumable            CSM
>                           ,printers              PRN
>                           ,printersandconsumable PCM
>                      WHERE 1 = 1
>                      AND PCM.printerid    = PRN.printerid
>                      AND PCM.consumableid = CSM.consumableid
>                      group by PRN.make
>                              ,PRN.model
>                              ,CSM.color
>                              ,CSM.type
>                    ) NXT
>              WHERE 1 = 1
>              AND NXT.make = FRS.make
>              AND NXT.model= FRS.model
>              AND NXT.color= FRS.color
>              AND NXT.type = FRS.type
>              AND NXT.cost <= FRS.cost
>            )


This works quite nicely!  I had to add a few criteria to it and the
results it gives does have some ties that I need to figure out how to
break - but that'll be easy because if there is a tie then I don't care
which one wins.  Here's the working query that I am going to modify a
little bit more.

SELECT FRS.* FROM (      SELECT  PRN.Make             ,PRN.Model             ,CSM.Color             ,CSM.Type
 ,CSM.PartNumber             ,Cost/Yield as rank      FROM  Consumables            CSM           ,Printers
PRN          ,PrintersAndConsumables PCM      WHERE 1 = 1      AND PCM.PrinterID    = PRN.PrinterID      AND
PCM.ConsumableID= CSM.ConsumableID      group by PRN.Make             ,PRN.Model             ,CSM.Color
,CSM.Type            ,CSM.Cost             ,CSM.Yield             ,CSM.PartNumber      ) FRS 
WHERE 3 > (            SELECT COUNT(*)            FROM (                   SELECT  PRN.Make
,PRN.Model                         ,CSM.Color                          ,CSM.Type                          ,Cost/Yield
asrank                    FROM  Consumables            CSM                         ,Printers              PRN
             ,PrintersAndConsumables PCM                    WHERE 1 = 1                    AND PCM.PrinterID    =
PRN.PrinterID                   AND PCM.ConsumableID = CSM.ConsumableID                    group by PRN.Make
               ,PRN.Model                            ,CSM.Color                            ,CSM.Type
       ,CSM.Cost                            ,CSM.Yield                  ) NXT            WHERE 1 = 1            AND
NXT.Make= FRS.Make            AND NXT.Model= FRS.Model            AND NXT.Color= FRS.Color            AND NXT.Type =
FRS.Type           AND NXT.rank <= FRS.rank          ) AND 
ORDER BY Make, Model, Color, Type;

Thanks for the help!


Re: Lowest 2 items per

"Relyea, Mike"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oliveiros d'Azevedo Cristina
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 12:59 PM
> To: Relyea, Mike
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [SQL] Lowest 2 items per
> * I see...
> If we add a query with a union that selects only the single ink
> Something like
> SELECT subquery2.Make, subquery2.Model,
> subquery2.Color,subquery2.Type, subquery1.cpp, min(Cost/Yield) as cpp2
> FROM(  SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
> Consumables.Type, min(Cost/Yield) AS cpp  FROM Printers  JOIN
> PrintersAndConsumables ON Printers.PrinterID =
> PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN Consumables ON
> Consumables.ConsumableID =  PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableID
>  WHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not Null
>  AND Consumables.Yield Is Not Null
>  GROUP BY Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
> Consumables.Type
>  ) subquery1
>  (
>  SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
> Consumables.Type,Cost,Yield  FROM Printers  JOIN
> ON Printers.PrinterID =  PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN
> Consumables ON Consumables.ConsumableID =
> PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableID
>  WHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not Null
>  AND Consumables.Yield Is Not Null
>  ) subquery2
> ON (subquery1.Make = subquery2.Make
> AND subquery1.Model = subquery2.Model
> AND subquery1.Color = subquery2.Color
> AND subquery1.Type = subquery2.Type)
>  WHERE subquery2.Cost / subquery2.Yield <> subquery1.cpp  GROUP BY
> subquery2.Make,subquery2.Model,
> subquery2.Color,subquery2.Type,subquery1.cpp
> SELECT Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
> Consumables.Type, min(Cost/Yield) AS cpp,min(Cost/Yield) AS cpp2
>   FROM Printers  JOIN
> PrintersAndConsumables ON Printers.PrinterID =
> PrintersAndConsumables.PrinterID  JOIN Consumables ON
> Consumables.ConsumableID =  PrintersAndConsumables.ConsumableID
>  WHERE Consumables.Cost Is Not Null
>  AND Consumables.Yield Is Not Null
>  GROUP BY Printers.Make, Printers.Model, Consumables.Color,
> Consumables.Type HAVING COUNT(*)=1  ORDER BY Make, Model;
> Can this be the results we're after
> ?
> Best,
> Oliver

Thanks for your help.  You gave me a workable query.  I made a few minor
changes to your idea but I really like the solution offered by Mario.
It provides more flexibility and is cleaner.  For example, with Mario's
I can take the lowest 3 easily instead of just the lowest 2.


Re: Lowest 2 items per

A few of approaches to solve this problem:

01.06.2012, 18:34, "Relyea, Mike" <>:
> I need a little help putting together a query.  I have the tables listed
> below and I need to return the lowest two consumables (ranked by cost
> divided by yield) per printer, per color of consumable, per type of
> consumable.
> CREATE TABLE printers
> (
>   printerid serial NOT NULL,
>   make text NOT NULL,
>   model text NOT NULL,
>   CONSTRAINT printers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (make , model ),
>   CONSTRAINT printers_printerid_key UNIQUE (printerid ),
> )
> CREATE TABLE consumables
> (
>   consumableid serial NOT NULL,
>   brand text NOT NULL,
>   partnumber text NOT NULL,
>   color text NOT NULL,
>   type text NOT NULL,
>   yield integer,
>   cost double precision,
>   CONSTRAINT consumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (brand , partnumber ),
>   CONSTRAINT consumables_consumableid_key UNIQUE (consumableid )
> )
> CREATE TABLE printersandconsumables
> (
>   printerid integer NOT NULL,
>   consumableid integer NOT NULL,
>   CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (printerid ,
> consumableid ),
>   CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_consumableid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
> (consumableid)
>       REFERENCES consumables (consumableid) MATCH SIMPLE
>   CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_printerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
> (printerid)
>       REFERENCES printers (printerid) MATCH SIMPLE
> )
> I've pulled together this query which gives me the lowest consumable per
> printer per color per type, but I need the lowest two not just the first
> lowest.
> SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp
> FROM printers
> JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
> printersandconsumables.printerid
> JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
> printersandconsumables.consumableid
> WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
> AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
> GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
> consumables.type
> ORDER BY make, model;
> After doing a google search I didn't come up with anything that I was
> able to use so I'm asking you fine folks!
> Mike
> --
> Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

Re: Lowest 2 items per

Nice resource, msi77.<br /><br />Thanx for sharing.<br /><br />I wasn't aware of none of these techniques, actually, so
Itried to start from scratch, but I should've realized that many people in the past had the same problem as Mike and I
shouldhave googled a little instead of trying to re-invent the wheel.<br /><br />Anyway, this is great information and
I'msure it will be useful in the future.<br />Again thanx for sharing.<br /><br />Best,<br />Oliver<br /><br /><br
/><br/><div class="gmail_quote">2012/6/2 msi77 <span dir="ltr"><<a href=""
target="_blank"></a>></span><br/><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0
.8ex;border-left:1px#ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">A few of approaches to solve this problem:<br /><br /><a
href=""target="_blank"></a><br /><br />
01.06.2012,18:34, "Relyea, Mike" <<a href=""></a>>:<br /><div
class="HOEnZb"><divclass="h5">> I need a little help putting together a query.  I have the tables listed<br /> >
belowand I need to return the lowest two consumables (ranked by cost<br /> > divided by yield) per printer, per
colorof consumable, per type of<br /> > consumable.<br /> ><br /> > CREATE TABLE printers<br /> > (<br />
>  printerid serial NOT NULL,<br /> >   make text NOT NULL,<br /> >   model text NOT NULL,<br /> >
  CONSTRAINTprinters_pkey PRIMARY KEY (make , model ),<br /> >   CONSTRAINT printers_printerid_key UNIQUE (printerid
),<br/> > )<br /> ><br /> > CREATE TABLE consumables<br /> > (<br /> >   consumableid serial NOT
NULL,<br/> >   brand text NOT NULL,<br /> >   partnumber text NOT NULL,<br /> >   color text NOT NULL,<br />
>  type text NOT NULL,<br /> >   yield integer,<br /> >   cost double precision,<br /> >   CONSTRAINT
consumables_pkeyPRIMARY KEY (brand , partnumber ),<br /> >   CONSTRAINT consumables_consumableid_key UNIQUE
(consumableid)<br /> > )<br /> ><br /> > CREATE TABLE printersandconsumables<br /> > (<br /> >
  printeridinteger NOT NULL,<br /> >   consumableid integer NOT NULL,<br /> >   CONSTRAINT
printersandconsumables_pkeyPRIMARY KEY (printerid ,<br /> > consumableid ),<br /> >   CONSTRAINT
printersandconsumables_consumableid_fkeyFOREIGN KEY<br /> > (consumableid)<br /> >       REFERENCES consumables
printersandconsumables_printerid_fkeyFOREIGN KEY<br /> > (printerid)<br /> >       REFERENCES printers
(printerid)MATCH SIMPLE<br /> >       ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE<br /> > )<br /> ><br /> > I've
pulledtogether this query which gives me the lowest consumable per<br /> > printer per color per type, but I need
thelowest two not just the first<br /> > lowest.<br /> ><br /> > SELECT printers.make, printers.model,
consumables.color,<br/> > consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp<br /> > FROM printers<br /> > JOIN
printersandconsumablesON printers.printerid =<br /> > printersandconsumables.printerid<br /> > JOIN consumables
ONconsumables.consumableid =<br /> > printersandconsumables.consumableid<br /> > WHERE consumables.cost Is Not
Null<br/> > AND consumables.yield Is Not Null<br /> > GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model,
consumables.color,<br/> > consumables.type<br /> > ORDER BY make, model;<br /> ><br /> > After doing a
googlesearch I didn't come up with anything that I was<br /> > able to use so I'm asking you fine folks!<br />
><br/> > Mike<br /> ><br /> > --<br /> > Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list (<a
href=""></a>)<br/> > To make changes to your subscription:<br
/>> <a href=""
target="_blank"></a><br/><br /> --<br /> Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list
(<ahref=""></a>)<br /> To make changes to your subscription:<br
target="_blank"></a><br/></div></div></blockquote></div><br /> 

Re: Lowest 2 items per

Thank you for reply, Oliver.
I want that you'll pay attention to the learn exercises which can by made under PostgreSQL among few other DBMS:

02.06.2012, 19:00, "Oliveiros" <>:
> Nice resource, msi77.
> Thanx for sharing.
> I wasn't aware of none of these techniques, actually, so I tried to start from scratch, but I should've realized that
manypeople in the past had the same problem as Mike and I should have googled a little instead of trying to re-invent
> Anyway, this is great information and I'm sure it will be useful in the future.
> Again thanx for sharing.
> Best,
> Oliver
> 2012/6/2 msi77 <>
>> A few of approaches to solve this problem:
>> 01.06.2012, 18:34, "Relyea, Mike" <>:
>>> I need a little help putting together a query.  I have the tables listed
>>> below and I need to return the lowest two consumables (ranked by cost
>>> divided by yield) per printer, per color of consumable, per type of
>>> consumable.
>>> CREATE TABLE printers
>>> (
>>>   printerid serial NOT NULL,
>>>   make text NOT NULL,
>>>   model text NOT NULL,
>>>   CONSTRAINT printers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (make , model ),
>>>   CONSTRAINT printers_printerid_key UNIQUE (printerid ),
>>> )
>>> CREATE TABLE consumables
>>> (
>>>   consumableid serial NOT NULL,
>>>   brand text NOT NULL,
>>>   partnumber text NOT NULL,
>>>   color text NOT NULL,
>>>   type text NOT NULL,
>>>   yield integer,
>>>   cost double precision,
>>>   CONSTRAINT consumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (brand , partnumber ),
>>>   CONSTRAINT consumables_consumableid_key UNIQUE (consumableid )
>>> )
>>> CREATE TABLE printersandconsumables
>>> (
>>>   printerid integer NOT NULL,
>>>   consumableid integer NOT NULL,
>>>   CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_pkey PRIMARY KEY (printerid ,
>>> consumableid ),
>>>   CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_consumableid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
>>> (consumableid)
>>>       REFERENCES consumables (consumableid) MATCH SIMPLE
>>>   CONSTRAINT printersandconsumables_printerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
>>> (printerid)
>>>       REFERENCES printers (printerid) MATCH SIMPLE
>>> )
>>> I've pulled together this query which gives me the lowest consumable per
>>> printer per color per type, but I need the lowest two not just the first
>>> lowest.
>>> SELECT printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
>>> consumables.type, min(cost/yield) AS cpp
>>> FROM printers
>>> JOIN printersandconsumables ON printers.printerid =
>>> printersandconsumables.printerid
>>> JOIN consumables ON consumables.consumableid =
>>> printersandconsumables.consumableid
>>> WHERE consumables.cost Is Not Null
>>> AND consumables.yield Is Not Null
>>> GROUP BY printers.make, printers.model, consumables.color,
>>> consumables.type
>>> ORDER BY make, model;
>>> After doing a google search I didn't come up with anything that I was
>>> able to use so I'm asking you fine folks!
>>> Mike
>>> --
>>> Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list (
>>> To make changes to your subscription:
>> --
>> Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list (
>> To make changes to your subscription: