Thread: how to return whole table from Function not just the id integer column

how to return whole table from Function not just the id integer column

Rehan Saleem
hi ,
how can i return the whole user table from this function not just the id . thanks
CREATE TABLE users(id serial PRIMARY KEY, first_name varchar(10), last_name

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION new_user(fname varchar, lname varchar)
DECLARE r int;
BEGIN  -- custom exception -- lname cannot be empty or NEMO  IF trim(lname) = '' OR lower(lname) = 'nemo' THEN    RAISE EXCEPTION 'bad last_name: "%"', lname;  END IF;  INSERT INTO users(first_name, last_name) VALUES(lname, fname) RETURNING
id INTO r;  RETURN r;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Re: how to return whole table from Function not just the id integer column

Samuel Gendler

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 1:57 AM, Rehan Saleem <> wrote:
hi ,
how can i return the whole user table from this function not just the id . thanks
Chapter 39, specifically 39.3, of the postgresql documentation provides all of the information necessary to answer this question.  If, after reading that chapter and attempting to solve the problem yourself, you still have no success, then please post your question to the list along with your best attempt at a solution.  You cannot expect to make efficient use of a sophisticated rdbms without first reading at least the most relevant sections of the documentation, and the mailing lists do not have enough experienced users to devote bandwidth to doing your work for you.