Thread: 9.0+ way of determining if a LISTEN channel has a backend listening?
Is there a way in post-9.0 postgres for one session to determine if a LISTEN channel currently has a backend registered to receive notifications? Prior to 9.0, one could select from system catalog table pg_listener. Function pg_listening_channels() returns list of symbol names *this* session is listening on; I'd like to find out if a given listen channel has *any* (i.e other session) listeners. Thanks! ---- James Robinson
Re: 9.0+ way of determining if a LISTEN channel has a backend listening?
"Greg Sabino Mullane"
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: RIPEMD160 > Is there a way in post-9.0 postgres for one session to determine if a > LISTEN channel currently has a backend registered to receive > notifications? No, there is no way. As mentioned on a similar thread on -hackers, you could possibly use advisory locks if you really need to know what another session is listening to. - -- Greg Sabino Mullane End Point Corporation PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 201106011822 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iEYEAREDAAYFAk3mu54ACgkQvJuQZxSWSsiAYwCg/Oa00qCfiRI3jxhml6a2fnkz 8IUAn3Re+3IUo2IynMIRLLqzH4+uyN9n =YL88 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----