Thread: PosgreSQL - TSQL2 question

PosgreSQL - TSQL2 question

Sarbu Anca
Hello,<br /><br />I am trying to execute TSQL2 statements using PostgreSQL for Windows but I think I need to install
somethingadditional because it does not recognizes typical TSQL2 syntax.<br />I found on a site some packages for Linux
thatcould be installed in order to run TSQL2, but I found no information for Windows.<br /> Could you please tell me
whatI need to do to run TSQL2 on PostrgreSQL for Windows? What do I need to install? Where can I found it? How do I do
theinstallation.<br /><br />Thank you in advance,<br />Anca<br /><br /> 

Re: PosgreSQL - TSQL2 question

Craig Ringer
On 06/02/11 06:26, Sarbu Anca wrote:

> Could you please tell me what I need to do to run TSQL2 on PostrgreSQL
> for Windows? What do I need to install? Where can I found it? How do I
> do the installation.

The temporal support extension is at :

and is on PgFoundry here:

but I have no idea how up-to-date it is or whether there are Windows
packages for the appropriate contrib modules. There's a question about
it on the PgFoundary help but it's unanswered.

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