Thread: 'image' table with relationships to different objects

'image' table with relationships to different objects

Louis-David Mitterrand

In my database I have different object types (person, location, event,
etc.) all of which can have several images attached.

What is the best way to manage a single 'image' table with relationships
to (potentially) many different object types while keeping referrential
integrity (foreign keys)?


Re: 'image' table with relationships to different objects

Michael Lourant
Hi There,

Maybe a table MEDIA_OBJECT with a ID column that will be exported as
FK to other tables and as many columns as media types you want to
store or a single column where you'll store the bytes of your media

Hope it works!

Michael Lourant
"Let's warm them all..."

2010/2/9 Louis-David Mitterrand <>:
> Hello,
> In my database I have different object types (person, location, event,
> etc.) all of which can have several images attached.
> What is the best way to manage a single 'image' table with relationships
> to (potentially) many different object types while keeping referrential
> integrity (foreign keys)?
> Thanks,
> --
> Sent via pgsql-sql mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

Re: 'image' table with relationships to different objects

Richard Huxton
On 09/02/10 07:49, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
> Hello,
> In my database I have different object types (person, location, event,
> etc.) all of which can have several images attached.
> What is the best way to manage a single 'image' table with relationships
> to (potentially) many different object types while keeping referrential
> integrity (foreign keys)?

The "clean" way to do this would be with a number of joining tables:

images    (img_id, file_name, title ...)
persons   (psn_id, first_name, last_name, ...)
locations (loc_id, loc_name, lat, lon, ...)
events    (evt_id, evt_name, starts_on, ends_on, ...)

person_images   (psn_id, img_id)
location_images (loc_id, img_id)
event_images    (evt_id, img_id)

You might then want a view over these joining tables to see what images 
go where...

CREATE VIEW all_images AS
SELECT  i1.img_id,  i1.file_name,  'PERSON'::text AS link_type,  p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name AS linked_name
FROM  images i1  JOIN person_images pi ON i1.img_id = pi.img_id  JOIN persons p ON pi.psn_id = p.psn_id
SELECT  i2.img_id,  i2.file_name,  'LOCATION'::text AS link_type,  l.loc_name AS linked_name
FROM  images i2  JOIN location_images li ON i2.img_id = li.img_id  JOIN locations l ON li.loc_id = l.loc_id

You could do something clever with inheritance on the joining tables, 
but it's better to keep things simple imho.

--   Richard Huxton  Archonet Ltd

Re: 'image' table with relationships to different objects

Louis-David Mitterrand
On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 11:59:14AM +0000, Richard Huxton wrote:
> On 09/02/10 07:49, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >In my database I have different object types (person, location, event,
> >etc.) all of which can have several images attached.
> >
> >What is the best way to manage a single 'image' table with relationships
> >to (potentially) many different object types while keeping referrential
> >integrity (foreign keys)?
> The "clean" way to do this would be with a number of joining tables:
> images    (img_id, file_name, title ...)
> persons   (psn_id, first_name, last_name, ...)
> locations (loc_id, loc_name, lat, lon, ...)
> events    (evt_id, evt_name, starts_on, ends_on, ...)
> person_images   (psn_id, img_id)
> location_images (loc_id, img_id)
> event_images    (evt_id, img_id)

Thank you Richard, this looks like the best solution. And the view is


Re: 'image' table with relationships to different objects

Rob Sargent
You can also invert this, making all the image owner share a common base
table and then images are dependent on that base

base (id, type) where type is an enumeration or some such
person (id, name, etc) where id is FK to base id
locations (id, address, etc) where id is FK to
events(id, date, etc) where id is FK to
images(id, baseid) where baseid is FK to

views across base to the "data" tables for easier sql if desired
ORM: person location and event would inherit from base

On 02/09/2010 04:59 AM, Richard Huxton wrote:
> On 09/02/10 07:49, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In my database I have different object types (person, location, event,
>> etc.) all of which can have several images attached.
>> What is the best way to manage a single 'image' table with relationships
>> to (potentially) many different object types while keeping referrential
>> integrity (foreign keys)?
> The "clean" way to do this would be with a number of joining tables:
> images    (img_id, file_name, title ...)
> persons   (psn_id, first_name, last_name, ...)
> locations (loc_id, loc_name, lat, lon, ...)
> events    (evt_id, evt_name, starts_on, ends_on, ...)
> person_images   (psn_id, img_id)
> location_images (loc_id, img_id)
> event_images    (evt_id, img_id)
> You might then want a view over these joining tables to see what images
> go where...
> CREATE VIEW all_images AS
>   i1.img_id,
>   i1.file_name,
>   'PERSON'::text AS link_type,
>   p.first_name || ' ' || p.last_name AS linked_name
>   images i1
>   JOIN person_images pi ON i1.img_id = pi.img_id
>   JOIN persons p ON pi.psn_id = p.psn_id
>   i2.img_id,
>   i2.file_name,
>   'LOCATION'::text AS link_type,
>   l.loc_name AS linked_name
>   images i2
>   JOIN location_images li ON i2.img_id = li.img_id
>   JOIN locations l ON li.loc_id = l.loc_id
> ...
> You could do something clever with inheritance on the joining tables,
> but it's better to keep things simple imho.

Re: 'image' table with relationships to different objects

Louis-David Mitterrand
On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 08:01:35AM -0700, Rob Sargent wrote:
> You can also invert this, making all the image owner share a common base
> table and then images are dependent on that base
> base (id, type) where type is an enumeration or some such
> person (id, name, etc) where id is FK to base id
> locations (id, address, etc) where id is FK to
> events(id, date, etc) where id is FK to
> images(id, baseid) where baseid is FK to
> views across base to the "data" tables for easier sql if desired
> ORM: person location and event would inherit from base

This is intriguing. How do I manage the auto-incrementing 'id' serial on
children tables 'person', 'location' and 'event'?



Re: 'image' table with relationships to different objects

Justin Graf
On 2/9/2010 6:59 AM, Richard Huxton wrote:
> On 09/02/10 07:49, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In my database I have different object types (person, location, event,
>> etc.) all of which can have several images attached.
>> What is the best way to manage a single 'image' table with relationships
>> to (potentially) many different object types while keeping referrential
>> integrity (foreign keys)?
> The "clean" way to do this would be with a number of joining tables:
> images    (img_id, file_name, title ...)
> persons   (psn_id, first_name, last_name, ...)
> locations (loc_id, loc_name, lat, lon, ...)
> events    (evt_id, evt_name, starts_on, ends_on, ...)
> person_images   (psn_id, img_id)
> location_images (loc_id, img_id)
> event_images    (evt_id, img_id)

Another why that reduces the number of tables and simplifies the selects 
and allows linking to unlimited number of objects is something like this

is something like this
Create table images (img_id serial , img_data bytea );

Create table image_related( img_rel_id serial, img_rel_img_id int, 
img_link_key int, img_link_from char(10) );

Create table persons   (psn_id serial, first_name text, last_name text) ;
create table locations (loc_id serial, loc_name text) ;
create table events    (evt_id serial, evt_name text, starts_on 
timestamp, ends_on timestamp);

Insert into images values (default, null), (default, null), (default, null);

Insert into persons values ( default, 'me me', 'yes itsme');
Insert into locations values (default,  'I home');
Insert into events values (default, 'friends party', now(),  now() );
insert into image_related values (default, 1, 1, 'persons'), (default 
,2, 1, 'events'), (default ,3, 1, 'locations'), (default , 2, 1, 'persons');

Select img_data, first_name  from persons, images, image_related    where img_id = img_rel_img_id    and img_link_key =
psn_id   and img_link_from  = 'persons'

then create a rule on img_related before insert and update to make sure 
the parent records exist  for integrity checks.

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Re: 'image' table with relationships to different objects

Jasen Betts
On 2010-02-09, Louis-David Mitterrand <> wrote:
> Hello,
> In my database I have different object types (person, location, event,
> etc.) all of which can have several images attached.

can one image be several people?

can one image be both event and location?

> What is the best way to manage a single 'image' table with relationships
> to (potentially) many different object types while keeping referrential
> integrity (foreign keys)?

probably several join tables 
image_location image_person image_event
with uniques and cascades where needed.