Thread: Getting more than one row in UNIQUE fields

Getting more than one row in UNIQUE fields

Another Trad
My table 'client' has the unique 'client_id'.<br />My test server, when I try:<br /><span style="font-family: courier
new,monospace;">select* from client where client_id = 12</span><br />My server returns 3 rows!!!!<br /> When I try to
updatethis client, his name for example,using my framework (SQLAlchemy), obviously returns the error:<br />"Updated
rowcount3 does not match number of objects updated 1"<br />But the field client_id is unique and has a sequence to auto
increment.<br/><br />Anyone ever pass to this?<br /> 

Re: Getting more than one row in UNIQUE fields

Tom Lane
Another Trad <> writes:
> My table 'client' has the unique 'client_id'.
> My test server, when I try:
> select * from client where client_id = 12
> My server returns 3 rows!!!!

We've seen bugs of that sort in the past ... what PG version is this,
and on what platform?
        regards, tom lane

Re: Getting more than one row in UNIQUE fields

Jasen Betts
On 2009-12-04, Another Trad <> wrote:
> --001485f94df095921c0479ea62fd
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> My table 'client' has the unique 'client_id'.
> My test server, when I try:
> select * from client where client_id = 12
> My server returns 3 rows!!!!

I had similar with a client on friday, windows event log shouwed disk
errors, chkdsk showed damaged database files.

I passed the problem back to their IT guy.