Thread: extracting from epoch values in pgsql

extracting from epoch values in pgsql

Gavin McCullagh
Hi folks,

I have a db that I need to draw some stats from.  The db itself is from the
web application moodle which, perhaps to be cross-platform, uses unix epoch
times stored as integers throughout (see table description at end of mail).
I'd like to query some stats based on the appearance of objects over time,
ideally per month.

If the "time" were a pgsql timestamp, I'd probably do:
SELECT count(id), EXTRACT('month' FROM TIMESTAMP time) AS logmonth,     EXTRACT('year' FROM TIMESTAMP time) AS
logyearFROMmdl_logWHERE action='login'GROUP BY logmonth,logyear;

but it's an epoch time, so I need to convert to a datestamp and then run
EXTRACT on that (as far as I can see.  I can do the conversion easily
enough but I can't then pass that to extract().  I've tried:

SELECT EXTRACT('month',(TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'epoch' + mdl_log.time * INTERVAL '1 second'))
FROM mdl_log;

SELECT time, to_timestamp(time) AS ts, EXTRACT('months',to_timestamp(time)) 
FROM mdl_log;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near ","
LINE 1: ...t time, to_timestamp(time) AS ts, extract('months',to_times...

I also tried doing the extract on the alias "ts".

Am I doing something wrong here?  Is this possible or do I need to approach
it in a different way?  I've looked through the manual but I can't see a
way to convert epoch->timestamp and then use it further.

Thanks in advance,


moodle-01-01-2009=# \d mdl_log                                 Table "public.mdl_log"Column |          Type          |
--------+------------------------+------------------------------------------------------id     | integer
|not null default nextval('mdl_log_id_seq'::regclass)time   | integer                | not null default 0userid |
integer               | not null default 0ip     | character varying(15)  | not null default ''::character
varyingcourse| integer                | not null default 0module | character varying(20)  | not null default
''::charactervaryingcmid   | integer                | not null default 0url    | character varying(100) | not null
default''::character varyinginfo   | character varying(255) | not null default ''::character varyingaction | character
varying(40) | not null default ''::character varying
Indexes:   "mdl_log_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)   "mdl_log_act_ix" btree (action)   "mdl_log_cmi_ix" btree (cmid)
"mdl_log_coursemoduleaction_idx"btree (course, module, action)   "mdl_log_tim_ix" btree ("time")   "mdl_log_usecou_ix"
btree(userid, course)