Thread: schema proxying virtual database

schema proxying virtual database

Rajesh Kumar Mallah
<pre>[ sorry if it is a repost, i am not sure if i am subscribed in -general ]<br /><br />Dear List,<br /><br />There
aremany opensource applications that support postgresql<br />(eg , gforge , bricolage , dspam ..) but does not use
as a result of which you are forced to use/create a new database and loose<br />the<br />advantage of linking the
applicationdata with your existing database.<br />as no-cross database queries can be done in PG.<br /><br /><br />my
questionis , is it a feasible idea to have some special kind of database<br /> 
in the postgresql cluster that mimics a schema of an existsing database.<br /><br />say rt3 is a special database that
linksto existing maindb databases'<br />rt3 namespace then  any DDL / DML done to public schema of rt3 database<br /> 
is redirected to rt3 namespace of the existing database maindb's rt3 schema.<br /><br />regds<br />mallah.<br /></pre>