Thread: Adding ENUM Type

Adding ENUM Type

Simon Bateman
.hmmessage P
</style> I have:<br />CREATE TYPE status AS ('NEW','ACTIVE','DESPATCH','COMPLETE');<br /><br />and included field in my
modifiedversion of dellstore2.sql data<br /><br />CREATE TABLE pg_orders<br />(<br />  orderid serial NOT NULL,<br /> 
customeridinteger NOT NULL,<br />  orderdate date NOT NULL,<br />  orderstatus status,<br />  CONSTRAINT pg_orders_pkey
PRIMARYKEY (orderid)<br />)<br />WITH (OIDS=FALSE)<br />TABLESPACE datadisk;<br /><br />Now I have populated table, I
havedecided I really need a 'CANCEL' status and append it to emum.list!<br /><br />Without creating status2 and
swappingtable fields/data I cannot find an ALTER TYPE - APPEND TO ENUM command -- would response be different if I
wantedto reorder values?<br /><br />Regards<br />Simon Bateman<br /><br /><br /><hr />View your other email accounts
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