On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 04:28:34PM +0200, aymen marouani wrote:
> Hi for all,
> What is the possible sources of the SQLState 55000 "OBJECT NOT IN
> The error 55000 was triggered when I executed the following query :
> "select currval('"BatchTreatment_batch_treatment_id_seq"');"
If you execute that (or a similar command) from psql, you'll get a more
human friendly error message:
repository=# select currval('moduleid_seq');
ERROR: currval of sequence "moduleid_seq" is not yet defined in this
Checking the docs at
Return the value most recently obtained by nextval for this sequence in the current session. (An error is reported
ifnextval has never been called for this sequence in this session.) Notice that because this is returning a
session-localvalue, it gives a predictable answer whether or not other sessions have executed nextval since the
currentsession did.
So, that sequence has not had 'nextval' called on it in this session.
Ross Reedstrom, Ph.D. reedstrm@rice.edu
Systems Engineer & Admin, Research Scientist phone: 713-348-6166
The Connexions Project http://cnx.org fax: 713-348-3665
Rice University MS-375, Houston, TX 77005
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