Thread: aggregation problem: first/last/count(*)

aggregation problem: first/last/count(*)

"Marc Mamin"

I have a query to aggregate data wich is too slow :-)

Here a simplified example:

create table test
time         int8, --store the time as epoch
a_group      varchar,
category     varchar

For each group, I need the first/last times and categories , the number
of distinct categories and the number of records.

Here my best solution until now:

FIRST.time     as first_time,
FIRST.category as first_category,
LAST.time      as last_time,
LAST.category  as last_category,
( select distinct on (a_group)  a_group, time, category from test order by a_group, time) FIRST,
( select distinct on (a_group)  a_group, time, category from test order by a_group, time DESC) LAST,
( select a_group,  count(distinct category) as c_count, count(*) as c_all from test group by a_group order by a_group
)AGGwhere FIRST.a_group = LAST.a_groupand LAST.a_group=AGG.a_group 

each sub query is quite fast -- thanks for the DISTINCT ON feature :-) ,
but the whole is really slow as Postgres start to swap due to the large
amount of data to merge.

I guess there must be a better solution as the three sub queries return
exactly one row for each  'a_group'
and are moreover already sorted  (The table does not contain any NULL
But in the query plan below, most of the cost comes form the merges.

I imagine there must be a way using custom aggregation functions, but
I'm not confident with those:

Is it possible to define aggregate in order to retrieve the first/last
values of an ordered result set? This would allow to make a single scan
of the table.
something like

select a_group,
first(category) as first_category,
last(category)  as last_category,
from test
order by a_group,time

Many thanks for any hints.

Marc Mamin

Here are some dummy values if you'd like to play with this issue:

insert into test select s,'G'||s , 'C1' from(select
generate_series(1,10000)as s)s;
insert into test select s+10,'G'||s , 'C2' from(select
generate_series(1,10000)as s)s;
insert into test select s+13,'G'||s , 'C3' from(select
generate_series(1,10000)as s)s;
insert into test select s+1,'G'||s , 'C2' from(select
generate_series(1,10000,5)as s)s;
insert into test select s,'G'||s%10 , 'C3' from(select
generate_series(1,10000,5)as s)s;
insert into test select s+1,'G'||s%5 , 'C2' from(select
generate_series(1,10000,5)as s)s;
insert into test select s+1,'G'||s , 'C1' from(select
generate_series(1,1000000)as s)s; --10^6 !!

create index test_i on test(a_group);
analyze test;


Merge Join  (cost=259000.31..34904377039.75 rows=1550421099181
width=128) Merge Cond: ((test.a_group)::text = (last.a_group)::text) ->  Merge Join  (cost=129500.16..17814340.14
rows=783387153width=120)       Merge Cond: ((test.a_group)::text = (test.a_group)::text)       ->  GroupAggregate
(cost=0.00..53681.23rows=395825 width=10)             ->  Index Scan using test_i on test  (cost=0.00..39973.53 
rows=1036043 width=10)       ->  Materialize  (cost=129500.16..133458.41 rows=395825
width=72)             ->  Unique  (cost=119965.87..125146.08 rows=395825
width=18)                   ->  Sort  (cost=119965.87..122555.97 rows=1036043
width=18)                         Sort Key: test.a_group, test."time"                         ->  Seq Scan on test
rows=1036043 width=18) ->  Materialize  (cost=129500.16..133458.41 rows=395825 width=72)       ->  Subquery Scan last
width=72)             ->  Unique  (cost=119965.87..125146.08 rows=395825
width=18)                   ->  Sort  (cost=119965.87..122555.97 rows=1036043
width=18)                         Sort Key: test.a_group, test."time"                         ->  Seq Scan on test
rows=1036043 width=18)

Re: aggregation problem: first/last/count(*)

On Mon, 26 Jan 2009, "Marc Mamin" <> writes:
> create table test 
> (
> time         int8, --store the time as epoch
> a_group      varchar,
> category     varchar
> )
> ...
> FIRST.a_group,
> FIRST.time     as first_time,
> FIRST.category as first_category,
> LAST.time      as last_time,
> LAST.category  as last_category,
> AGG.c_count,
> AGG.c_all
> ...

I think the problem in here is that you want to collect the first and
last values in the same row. Instead, splitting them into two sequential
rows would suit better to your database schema design, and you can
rebuild the data structure as you want in the application tier
later. For instance, consider below example:

test=# SELECT ts, grp, val FROM foo;ts | grp | val
----+-----+----- 1 |   1 |   1 2 |   1 |   2 3 |   1 |   3 4 |   2 |   1 4 |   2 |   2 5 |   3 |   1
(6 rows)

test=# SELECT foo.ts, foo.grp, foo.val        FROM (SELECT grp, MAX(ts) AS max_ts, MIN(ts) AS min_ts
FROMfoo            GROUP BY grp)          AS bar  INNER JOIN foo          ON foo.grp = bar.grp         AND (foo.ts =
bar.min_tsOR foo.ts = bar.max_ts);ts | grp | val
----+-----+----- 1 |   1 |   1 3 |   1 |   3 4 |   2 |   1 4 |   2 |   2 5 |   3 |   1
(5 rows)

After receiving above output, you can traverse returned rows one by one
in the application layer and output desired results.


Re: aggregation problem: first/last/count(*)

"Marc Mamin"

> I think the problem in here is that you want to collect the first and
last values in the same row

Your idea is ok, but it just postpone the problem. And I need the result
within the DB for further calculations /aggregations.

What I need is really something like:

test=# SELECT foo.ts, foo.grp, foo.val,foo2.val        FROM (SELECT grp, MAX(ts) AS max_ts, MIN(ts) AS min_ts
    FROM foo            GROUP BY grp)          AS bar  INNER JOIN foo          ON foo.grp = bar.grp         AND foo.ts
=bar.min_ts  INNER JOIN foo2          ON foo2.grp = bar.grp         AND foo2.ts = bar.max_ts  

I've tested different solutions and the DISTINCT ON clause was better.
(I guess the best solution depend of the distribution of grp and val).

I've also just found aggregate functions for first/last:

But its is slightly slower as my solution.

I'll still make a test with more data As I guess that swapping will grow
fatser mith my query than with the first/last aggregate functions.


Marc Mamin

-----Original Message-----
From: Volkan YAZICI []
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 4:27 PM
To: Marc Mamin
Subject: Re: aggregation problem: first/last/count(*)

On Mon, 26 Jan 2009, "Marc Mamin" <> writes:
> create table test
> (
> time         int8, --store the time as epoch
> a_group      varchar,
> category     varchar
> )
> ...
> FIRST.a_group,
> FIRST.time     as first_time,
> FIRST.category as first_category,
> LAST.time      as last_time,
> LAST.category  as last_category,
> AGG.c_count,
> AGG.c_all
> ...

I think the problem in here is that you want to collect the first and
last values in the same row. Instead, splitting them into two sequential
rows would suit better to your database schema design, and you can
rebuild the data structure as you want in the application tier later.
For instance, consider below example:

test=# SELECT ts, grp, val FROM foo;ts | grp | val
----+-----+----- 1 |   1 |   1 2 |   1 |   2 3 |   1 |   3 4 |   2 |   1 4 |   2 |   2 5 |   3 |   1
(6 rows)

test=# SELECT foo.ts, foo.grp, foo.val        FROM (SELECT grp, MAX(ts) AS max_ts, MIN(ts) AS min_ts
FROMfoo            GROUP BY grp)          AS bar  INNER JOIN foo          ON foo.grp = bar.grp         AND (foo.ts =
bar.min_tsOR foo.ts = bar.max_ts);  ts | grp | 
----+-----+----- 1 |   1 |   1 3 |   1 |   3 4 |   2 |   1 4 |   2 |   2 5 |   3 |   1
(5 rows)

After receiving above output, you can traverse returned rows one by one
in the application layer and output desired results.
