Thread: enumerate groups given a certain value
Hello, Here is a sql problem, which I thought simple at first, but for which I ended up with a solution I find surprisingly complicated. I really think I could have achieved a much easier way of handling this, but I do not manage to find the trick allowing a very simple and efficient query to solve the problem. Let's present it with a sample case. The initial table is the following one : -------------------- drop table if exists test_gen ; create table test_gen as select * from (select chr((round(random()* 25) +65)::int) as id , random()* 100 as valfrom generate_series(1,200) as gorder by id ) as foo select * from test_gen; ------------------- What I want to do is to enumerate lines for each group of id, following the order of val. For example : id val gen A 2.65105138532817 1 A 38.9289360493422 2 A 74.6089164167643 3 B 2.01512188650668 1 B 11.4642047323287 2 B 31.2643219716847 3 B 65.8427979797125 4 C 0.759994331747293 1 C 11.8905796203762 2 C 13.7388648930937 3 C 49.1934351157397 4 C 83.1861903425306 5 D 45.8268967922777 1 D 57.1161589119583 2 E 9.72125697880983 1 E 61.324825277552 2 E 70.3348958399147 3 F 0.49891234234237 1 Here is the solution I ended up with : --------------------------- -- first count number of ids per group drop table test_gen2 ; create table test_gen2 as select t1.*, t2.nb from test_gen as t1,(SELECT id, count(*) as nb FROM test_gen GROUP BY id) as t2 WHERE ORDER BY; create sequence seq_test_gen start with 1; create sequence seq_test_gen2 start with 1; -- get the table with the order set (gen is our order) select* from(select foo1.*, nextval('seq_test_gen') as serialfrom ( select * from test_gen2 order by id, val ) as foo1) as t1,(select foo.*, nextval('seq_test_gen2') as serialfrom ( select gb1.*, generate_series(1, gb1.nb) as gen from ( select id, nb from test_gen2 group by id, nb ) as gb1 order by, gen ) as foo) as t2 wheret1.serial = t2.serial; ----------------------------------- The problem seems to be as easy as : <sort my two sets and put them side to side>. But I could not find a better way to do that than putting a serial on left and right side and do a join on this serial. I also tried to find a solution using a modulo but could not manage to get it work. Anybody for a ray of light on a different approach ? This look like a recurrent problem, isn't there an experienced sql programmer here who tackled this issued a couple of time ? Thanks for any help, Vincent
Hello, Picavet. > Anybody for a ray of light on a different approach ? This look like a > recurrent problem, isn't there an experienced sql programmer here who > tackled this issued a couple of time ? Actually, I'm not very experienced in SQL. But from my point of view this problem could be solved much more easily using plpgsql rather than plain SQL. Your initial query have been a little bit modified for convenience: CREATE TABLE test_gen AS SELECT * FROM(SELECT chr((round(random()* 25) +65)::int) AS id, random()* 100 AS val, 0::INTEGER AS genFROM generate_series(1,200)as gORDER BY id ) foo; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION enum_groups (varchar) RETURNS SETOF test_gen AS $body$ DECLAREr chip.test_gen%ROWTYPE;_id VARCHAR;i INTEGER := 0;q TEXT; BEGINq := 'SELECT * FROM ' || $1 || ' ORDER BY id ASC, val ASC;';FOR r IN EXECUTE q LOOP IF ((_id IS NULL) OR (_id = i := i + 1; ELSE i := 1; END IF; _id :=; r.gen := i; RETURN NEXT r;END LOOP;RETURN; END; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; Now you can SELECT * FROM enum_groups('test_gen') and you'll get following: id val gen B 2,35326588153839 1 B 11,4269167650491 2 B 11,9314394891262 3 B 27,9016905929893 4 B 28,548994101584 5 B 48,8151242025197 6 B 50,215089507401 7 B 59,613792411983 8 B 61,2281930632889 9 B 80,49540463835 10 C 5,86635880172253 1 C 11,5974457468838 2 C 15,8136531710625 3 C 29,8465201631188 4 C 52,9871591832489 5 C 57,3461000341922 6 C 63,3344274014235 7 ... HTH PS. Sorry, I forget to reply all first time. -- Best regards. Yuri.