Thread: Insert problem

Insert problem

"A. R. Van Hook"
I have a table  where some of the entries of should have
been posted to the wrong cusid and item#:

cusid |  item# |
1747  |  149   | 9251 : Jonathon Krinke .......
1747  |  150   | 10071 : Lindsey Steele ........
1747  |  151   | 10187 : Lindsay Stapley .......
1747  |  152   | 10188 : Amanda Goucher ........
1888  |    0   | 10071 : PROM 75P1206 mi.........


1747 |  148 | 9250 : Jonathon Krinke ........
1747 |  149 | 9251 : Jonathon Krinke .......
1888 |    0 | 10071 : PROM 75P1206 mi......
1888 |    1 | 10071 : Lindsey Steele
1888 |    2 | 10187 : Lindsay Stapley
1888 |    3 | 10188 : Amanda Goucher

my correction script:

The script worked fine untill I tried in on the following entries:

1841 |    2 | 9228 : Caty Case : SO:Bra:.....
1841 |    3 | 9621 : Kelsie Greenlee : PROM.....

2072 |    3 | null : Cookie Jared Cook :..........
2072 |    4 | null : Cookie Jared Cook :........
2072 |    5 | null : Cookie Jared Cook :........

insert into schItem (scid,  value, iflag, outalts, sidate, istid)             select 2072,  i.value, i.iflag,
i.outalts,i.sidate, i.istid      from schItem i, schItem s        where i.scid=1841 and i.item >= 3              and
s.scid= 2072                    group by i.value, 
i.iflag, i.outalts, i.sidate, i.istid, s.scid

ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "schitem_pkey"

It seems I have something wrong with the select portion of the script
but I can figure it out.
Any idea??

table defination

create sequence schItem_item_seq
create table schItem (scid                 int NOT NULL references schedule ON DELETE CASCADE,  item
intNOT NULL default nextval('schItem_item_seq'),  value                text,  iflag                int,  outalts
     int,  sidate               date,  istid                int references stock,  primary key (scid, item))

Arthur R. Van Hook

(816) 578-4704 - Home
(816) 629-0071 Cell

Arthur R. Van Hook

(816) 578-4704 - Home
(816) 629-0071 Cell

Re: Insert problem

"Jamie Tufnell"
On 3/9/08, A. R. Van Hook <> wrote:
> The script worked fine untill I tried in on the following entries:
> 1841 | 2 | 9228 : Caty Case : SO:Bra:.....
> 1841 | 3 | 9621 : Kelsie Greenlee : PROM.....
> 2072 | 3 | null : Cookie Jared Cook :..........
> 2072 | 4 | null : Cookie Jared Cook :........
> 2072 | 5 | null : Cookie Jared Cook :........
> insert into schItem (scid, value, iflag, outalts, sidate, istid)
> ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "schitem_pkey"
> table defination
> create sequence schItem_item_seq
> create table schItem
> (scid int NOT NULL references schedule ON DELETE CASCADE,
> item int NOT NULL default nextval('schItem_item_seq'),


It looks like there's already a row where scid=2072 and


SELECT setval('schItem_item_seq', (SELECT max(item)+1 FROM schItem));

And then run your query again.


Re: Insert problem

Steve Midgley
At 09:20 AM 3/10/2008, wrote:
>Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 00:14:12 +0000
>From: "Jamie Tufnell" <>
>Subject: Re: Insert problem
> > table defination
> >
> > create sequence schItem_item_seq
> > create table schItem
> > (scid int NOT NULL references schedule ON DELETE CASCADE,
> > item int NOT NULL default nextval('schItem_item_seq'),
>It looks like there's already a row where scid=2072 and
>SELECT setval('schItem_item_seq', (SELECT max(item)+1 FROM schItem));
>And then run your query again.

A friendly amendment to Jamie's (correct) advice. Be sure that no other 
tools are obtaining id's from the sequence or inserting rows into 
schItem when you run this.. (Safest way is to have the db offline when 
running this). I got some good info from the experts here about this 
while back and wrote up a little blog article detailing the issue (in 
short it's a big pain to do it while the db is online, with no obvious 
sure-fire solution):

I hope this helps a little!
