Thread: Loading 8.2 data into 8.1

Loading 8.2 data into 8.1

Andreas Joseph Krogh
Is it considered "safe" to use 8.1's pg_dump to dump an 8.2-db and load it
into 8.1?

Andreas Joseph Krogh <>
Senior Software Developer / Manager
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Re: Loading 8.2 data into 8.1

Peter Eisentraut
Am Dienstag, 20. November 2007 schrieb Andreas Joseph Krogh:
> Is it considered "safe" to use 8.1's pg_dump to dump an 8.2-db and load it
> into 8.1?

No, pg_dump will complain if you try that.  It could work, with manual fixups 
perhaps, but it is far from "safe".

Peter Eisentraut