Thread: What SQL is running against my DB?

What SQL is running against my DB?

"Tore Lukashaugen"
Hello all,

I have an application running against my postgres 8.2 database (on Windows 
Vista) for which I do not have access to the source code.

I would like to know what SQL statements are being executed by the 
application. Is there a way to turn on logging in the server so that obtain 
this information?


Re: What SQL is running against my DB?

Andreas Kretschmer
Tore Lukashaugen <> schrieb:

> Hello all,
> I have an application running against my postgres 8.2 database (on Windows 
> Vista) for which I do not have access to the source code.
> I would like to know what SQL statements are being executed by the 
> application. Is there a way to turn on logging in the server so that obtain 
> this information?

Yes, of course. You can set in your postgresql.conf:

log_statement = 'all'

to log all statements. Read this file for more details, it is well

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