Thread: i have prolem can you help me

i have prolem can you help me

-- Table: ticket

-- DROP TABLE ticket;

( gid serial NOT NULL, id integer, name character varying, address character varying(254), province character
varying(100),fax character varying(50), code integer, "type" integer, phone character varying(15), web character
varying(40),levels integer, the_geom geometry, email character varying, CONSTRAINT ticket_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid),
CONSTRAINTenforce_dims_the_geom CHECK (ndims(the_geom) = 2), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom CHECK
'POINT'::text OR the_geom IS NULL), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom CHECK (srid(the_geom) = 42102)
ALTER TABLE ticket OWNER TO postgres;

Why i run void -> Exception parameter

      public DataTable SearchTicket(string strProvin, string strDistric,
string strName, string strAddress, string strPhone, string strFax, string
strEmail, string strType)       {           try           {               String Query = "Select name,gid from ticket
Where1=1 ";               string str, str1;               string strCode = "-1";               if (strDistric != "" &&
strDistric!= "0")               {                   Query += " and code = :code";                   strCode =
strDistric;              }               else               {                   if (int.Parse(strProvin) != 0)
        {                       Query += " and code like ':code%'";                       strCode = strProvin;
               }               if (int.Parse(strType) == 0)               {                   str = " like '%";
         str1 = "%'";               }               else               {                   str = " = '";
  str1 = "'";               }               if (strName != "")                   Query += " and lower(name) " + str +
":name"+ str1;               if (strAddress != "")                   Query += " and lower(address) " + str + ":address"
str1;               if (strPhone != "")                   Query += " and lower(phone) " + str + ":phone" + str1;
      if (strFax != "")                   Query += " and lower(fax) " + str + ":fax" + str1;               if (strEmail
!="")                   Query += " and lower(email) " + str + ":email" + str1;               Query += ";";
               NpgsqlParameter[] values = new NpgsqlParameter[6];               values[0] = new
Convert.ToInt32(strCode));               values[1] = new NpgsqlParameter(@":name",
strName.ToLower());               values[2] = new NpgsqlParameter(@":address",
strAddress.ToLower());               values[3] = new NpgsqlParameter(@":phone",
strPhone.ToLower());               values[4] = new NpgsqlParameter(@":fax", strFax.ToLower());               values[5]
=new NpgsqlParameter(@":email",
               values[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;               values[1].Direction =
ParameterDirection.Input;              values[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
values[3].Direction= ParameterDirection.Input;               values[4].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
  values[5].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
               values[0].SourceColumn = "code";               values[1].SourceColumn = "name";
               DataSet ds = PostGresServerDataAccess.getDataFromSQL(Query,
"ticket", values);               return ds.Tables["ticket"];           }           catch (Exception ex)           {
         throw ex;           }}
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