Thread: PL/pgsql declaration of string / bit / number with given (variable!) length

PL/pgsql declaration of string / bit / number with given (variable!) length


I have a PL/pgsql function that creates a certain bit string
based on the parameters. Things work fine if I use bit(10)
throughout the function. Now I'd like to return a bit string
with the given size "len", but that breaks with a syntax error:
       ret := B'0'::bit(len);LINE 1: SELECT  B'0'::bit( $1 )                           ^

Any suggestion how to return a (bit) string
of user-defined length ?

Thanks in advance,

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unarystr(   value integer,   len integer
) RETURNS bit(10) AS $$
DECLARE   ret bit(10);   one bit(10);
BEGIN   ret := B'0'::bit(10);   one := B'1'::bit(10);
   FOR num IN 0..value-1 LOOP      ret := ret | (one >>num);   END LOOP;   RETURN ret;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

IPB Halle                    AG Massenspektrometrie & Bioinformatik
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Re: PL/pgsql declaration of string / bit / number with given (variable!) length

Richard Huxton
sneumann wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a PL/pgsql function that creates a certain bit string
> based on the parameters. Things work fine if I use bit(10)
> throughout the function. Now I'd like to return a bit string 
> with the given size "len", but that breaks with a syntax error:
>         ret := B'0'::bit(len);
>     LINE 1: SELECT  B'0'::bit( $1 )
>                                ^
> Any suggestion how to return a (bit) string 
> of user-defined length ?

Hmm - not sure it's possible (even theoretically) for a function to have 
multiple return types. Could you return a "bit varying" and cast it when 

--   Richard Huxton  Archonet Ltd