Thread: Query a select that returns all the fields of an specific value of primary key without knownig the name of the single column's primary key?

I need to query a select that returns all the fields of an specific primary key, but I don't have the  single column's name that is constrained as primary key.
How can I do that?
Something like:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myTable.pkey = 'foo';

Carlos Henrique Iazzetti Santos
Compels Informática
Santa Rita do Sapucaí - MG

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Re: Query a select that returns....

Achilleas Mantzios
Στις Τρίτη 19 Δεκέμβριος 2006 16:01, ο/η Carlos Santos έγραψε:
> Hi!
> I need to query a select that returns all the fields of an specific primary
> key, but I don't have the  single column's name that is constrained as
> primary key. How can I do that?
> Something like:
> SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myTable.pkey = 'foo';

First by
SELECT pgc.conkey from pg_class pgcl,pg_constraint pgc where
pgcl.relname='your table name' and pgcl.oid=pgc.conrelid and pgc.contype='p';
you get the attribute numbers of the primary key.
Then you have to lookup pg_attribute to find the column names.

In the simplified case where the primary key is consisted of only one
attribute (column), then
SELECT pgat.attname from pg_class pgcl,pg_constraint pgc,pg_attribute pgat
where pgcl.relname='your table name' and pgcl.oid=pgc.conrelid and
pgc.contype='p' and pgat.attrelid=pgcl.oid and attnum=pgc.conkey[1];

should give you the attribute name of the primary key.
Then you build your query from your program accordingly.
> Thanks
> Carlos Henrique Iazzetti Santos
> Compels Inform�tica
>  Santa Rita do Sapuca� - MG
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> O Yahoo! est� de cara nova. Venha conferir!

Achilleas Mantzios