Thread: conversion of numeric field from MSSQL to postgres

conversion of numeric field from MSSQL to postgres

Kenneth Gonsalves

am migrating a database from MSSQL to postgres. How would i migrate  

[Id] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1)


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

Re: conversion of numeric field from MSSQL to postgres

Daniel CAUNE
> De :
> De la part de Kenneth Gonsalves
> Envoyé : 15 octobre 2006 08:31
> À :
> Objet : [SQL] conversion of numeric field from MSSQL to postgres
> hi,
> am migrating a database from MSSQL to postgres. How would i migrate
> this:
> [Id] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1)

It seems that you've already asked for this question last Sunday, and
because your question is somewhat deterministic, the answers are more likely
to be the same.  Check your previous e-mails.


Re: conversion of numeric field from MSSQL to postgres

Richard Broersma Jr
> It seems that you've already asked for this question last Sunday, and
> because your question is somewhat deterministic, the answers are more likely
> to be the same.  Check your previous e-mails.

actually I am get duplicate emails like this one across the various PG lists.  Perhaps someone
else is resending these email?


Richard Broersma Jr.

Re: conversion of numeric field from MSSQL to postgres

Tom Lane
Richard Broersma Jr <> writes:
> actually I am get duplicate emails like this one across the various PG lists.  Perhaps someone
> else is resending these email?

The usual mechanism is

* newbie sends question
* newbie gets response indicating that message is being held for moderator approval because he's not subscribed
* newbie subscribes and reposts question, which people answer
* eventually, list moderator cleans out the queue and approves the original question

It's not really a duplicate, but it looks like one.

This could be fixed if someone wanted to improve the moderation software
to auto-approve pending messages from someone who's just subscribed, but
perhaps that's a lot of work.  I haven't looked at that code, so I'm not
volunteering ...
        regards, tom lane

Re: conversion of numeric field from MSSQL to postgres

Richard Broersma Jr
> This could be fixed if someone wanted to improve the moderation software
> to auto-approve pending messages from someone who's just subscribed, but
> perhaps that's a lot of work.  I haven't looked at that code, so I'm not
> volunteering ...

Thats not a problem.  I was surprised to see your name in a man pages for other command line
utilities un-related to postgresql.  So I would expect that you have enough to do in the mean time
besides altering the moderation software. :-)


Richard Broersma Jr.

Re: conversion of numeric field from MSSQL to postgres

Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 09:01:15PM -0700, Richard Broersma Jr wrote:
> actually I am get duplicate emails like this one across the various PG lists.  Perhaps someone
> else is resending these email?

More likely, this happened:

1.  person sent mail to list, got bounced because not subscribed.
2.  person subscribed
3.  person sent mail
4.  anti-dup filter didn't catch the dup mail
5.  second mail goes through
6.  moderator approves original mail
7.  mail shows up again.


Andrew Sullivan  |
The fact that technology doesn't work is no bar to success in the marketplace.    --Philip Greenspun