Thread: How to find a temporary table

How to find a temporary table

Emil Rachovsky
I am using PostgreSQL 8.1.0 . How can I find a temp
table from my session, having the name of the table?
Can anyone show me what query should I execute? I've
tried some things but I receive mixed results of
tables from different sessions, which is strange.

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Re: How to find a temporary table

Mario Splivalo
On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 04:48 -0800, Emil Rachovsky wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using PostgreSQL 8.1.0 . How can I find a temp
> table from my session, having the name of the table?
> Can anyone show me what query should I execute? I've
> tried some things but I receive mixed results of
> tables from different sessions, which is strange.

What do you mean by 'temp table from your session'?

How did you create the temp table in the first place?

Re: [GENERAL] How to find a temporary table

Pandurangan R S

On 1/27/06, Emil Rachovsky <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using PostgreSQL 8.1.0 . How can I find a temp
> table from my session, having the name of the table?
> Can anyone show me what query should I execute? I've
> tried some things but I receive mixed results of
> tables from different sessions, which is strange.
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