Thread: cannot alter column data type to "date"

cannot alter column data type to "date"

"Noel Doydora"
Below is the message I receive when I try to alter the data type of
a column to "date". I had to drop the column and add it again just
so I can set its data type to "date". How do I change a column's
data type to "date" without dropping and then creating it again?

Hoping for a kind response. Thank you.

SQL error:

ERROR:  column "date_signed" cannot be cast to type "date"

In statement:
ALTER TABLE "canvass" ALTER COLUMN "date_signed" TYPE date


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Re: cannot alter column data type to "date"

Michael Fuhr
On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 03:12:07PM +0800, Noel Doydora wrote:
> Below is the message I receive when I try to alter the data type of 
> a column to "date". I had to drop the column and add it again just 
> so I can set its data type to "date". How do I change a column's 
> data type to "date" without dropping and then creating it again?

See the USING clause in the ALTER TABLE documentation:

Michael Fuhr