Thread: can UNIQUEness of TEXT datatype really be guaranteed?

can UNIQUEness of TEXT datatype really be guaranteed?

I am in the process re-implementing some pgsql table declarations into a MySQL database. I have this one line where I
fieldname TEXT UNIQUE,
in my pgsql table because I want to ensure that no one enters the same thing in this field and I didn't choose VARCHAR
typebecause I have no idea how possibly long I might need to let the field be...

... but MySQL doesn't like this because a TEXT datatype is considered a BLOB that can't be indexed and it can't
guaranteewill be UNIQUE apparently...

So I can't help but wonder, can Postgres really guarantee a TEXT field to be UNIQUE... or is declaring a TEXT field
UNIQUEsomething an uninformed, novice user would do?... or is it something indicative of the strength and/or weeknesses
thatseparate the functionality of the two DBMSs.

Ferindo Middleton

Re: can UNIQUEness of TEXT datatype really be guaranteed?

Jaime Casanova
On 11/22/05, <> wrote:
> I am in the process re-implementing some pgsql table declarations into a MySQL database. I have this one line where I
> ...
> fieldname TEXT UNIQUE,
> ...
> in my pgsql table because I want to ensure that no one enters the same thing in this field and I didn't choose
VARCHARtype because I have no idea how possibly long I might need to let the field be... 
> ... but MySQL doesn't like this because a TEXT datatype is considered a BLOB that can't be indexed and it can't
guaranteewill be UNIQUE apparently... 
> So I can't help but wonder, can Postgres really guarantee a TEXT field to be UNIQUE... or is declaring a TEXT field
UNIQUEsomething an uninformed, novice user would do?... or is it something indicative of the strength and/or weeknesses
thatseparate the functionality of the two DBMSs. 
> Ferindo Middleton

TEXT fileds can be indexed in postgres and AFAIK it can be indexed
with a unique index (and i don't see any good reason to think it can't
guarantee uniqueness)...

but you have a limitation, btree index rows can only have certain size
(i don't remember the numbers now)... so if you exceed that size (and
in a text field you can) you will get an error... you have to control
within your application that...

Jaime Casanova
(DBA: DataBase Aniquilator ;)

Re: can UNIQUEness of TEXT datatype really be guaranteed?

Tom Lane
<> writes:
> So I can't help but wonder, can Postgres really guarantee a TEXT field to be UNIQUE... or is declaring a TEXT field
UNIQUEsomething an uninformed, novice user would do?... or is it something indicative of the strength and/or weeknesses
thatseparate the functionality of the two DBMSs.

In PG, it will work as long as no entry is too large to fit into a btree
index entry (from memory, about 2700 bytes after compression, so the
practical limit is probably 4KB or so).

If you think you might have entries exceeding a few KB, you could use
the trick of declaring a unique functional index on a checksum:create unique index myindex on mytable
This will work as long as you don't get any md5 hash collisions,
which is probably not a problem in practice.  It will guarantee
uniqueness in any case; the risk is that you might get false matches
causing rejection of inputs that actually are distinct.

A possibly simpler-to-understand way is to demand uniqueness in the
first couple KB:create unique index myindex on mytable (substr(fieldname,1,2000));
        regards, tom lane