Thread: Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....

Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....

Fernando Garcia
Hola a todo... necesito ejecutar una consulta Insert que realice en pgsql para ver si inserta correctamente en la tabla asociada, pero con execute me da un error....alguien me puede decir como lo hago....
yo trabajo con el editor postgresql manager pro..
Ahh otra cosa: en otra consulta que realice pero que es un select al principio me daba un error porque no encontraba la columna "ItemID" la cual porsupuesto existia, entonces a la columna le quite las mayusculas de su nombre quedando "itemid" y ya no me salio el error.....en postgres los nombres de tablas y columnas deben ser siempre con minuscula????

Re: Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....

"Mauricio Fernandez A."
Hash: SHA1

Fernando lo que pasa es que postgres siempre pasa a minusculas los
nombres de los campos o tablas excepto si estos se escriben entre
comillas. es decir algo como:

select CAMPO1 ...

postrgres lo pasara a:

select campo1 ..

y algo como

select "CamPo1" ...

postgres lo mantendra igual.

Sobre la ejecucion de la instruccion:  la tienes en una funcion? o
solo estas probando que te inserta algun dato de prueba, si es asi no
tienes que usar el execute.
Mauricio Fernández A.
Ingeniero de Sistemas
U. Autónoma de Manizales

  -----Mensaje original-----
[]En nombre de Fernando Garcia
  Enviado el: miércoles, 09 noviembre, 2005 15:22
  Asunto: [SQL] Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....

  Hola a todo... necesito ejecutar una consulta Insert que realice en
pgsql para ver si inserta correctamente en la tabla asociada, pero con
execute me da un error....alguien me puede decir como lo hago....

  yo trabajo con el editor postgresql manager pro..


  Ahh otra cosa: en otra consulta que realice pero que es un select al
principio me daba un error porque no encontraba la columna "ItemID" la
cual porsupuesto existia, entonces a la columna le quite las
mayusculas de su nombre quedando "itemid" y ya no me salio el
error.....en postgres los nombres de tablas y columnas deben ser
siempre con minuscula????
Version: PGPfreeware 6.0.2i


Re: Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....

"Gregory S. Williamson"
Fernando --

I am not sure about the first question -- my spansih is rusry.

postgres does force all column, table and schema names (I think) to lower case (there have been recent long discussions
aboutthis on this list IIRC). If you want to preserve case put the column name in double quotes: 
"ItemID" =  ItemID
ItemID   =  itemid

This applies both to the creation of a table and when referring to that table's columns.


Greg Williamson
GlobeXplorer LLC

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Fernando Garcia
Sent:    Wed 11/9/2005 6:22 AM
Subject:    [SQL] Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....
Hola a todo... necesito ejecutar una consulta Insert que realice en pgsql
para ver si inserta correctamente en la tabla asociada, pero con execute me
da un error....alguien me puede decir como lo hago....yo trabajo con el editor postgresql manager pro..Gracias...Ahh
otracosa: en otra consulta que realice pero que es un select al 
principio me daba un error porque no encontraba la columna "ItemID" la cual
porsupuesto existia, entonces a la columna le quite las mayusculas de su
nombre quedando "itemid" y ya no me salio el error.....en postgres los
nombres de tablas y columnas deben ser siempre con minuscula????


Re: Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....

"Gregory S. Williamson"
Fernando --

I have forwarded your message to the postgres SQL list where it started -- it is good practice to "cc" the list in
generalso that others can contribute / learn. 

If you could provide the version of postgres you are using that might help, as there differences between 7.x and 8.x
thatmight matter. 

I am at the very end of my day and too tired to be coherent -- perhaps someone  else can provide an elegant snippet of

If there's no response in the next few hours I'll give it try.



-----Original Message-----
From:    Fernando Garcia []
Sent:    Thu 11/10/2005 5:23 AM
To:    Gregory S. Williamson
Subject:    Re: [SQL] Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....
thanks very much, jeje, my english its very rusry...i try explain to you what i can to do in the first
try!!!!!Well, I have one function what insert one record in one tabe (EJ:
adduser(name,email,password))How can I execute this function to prove this insertion......???Welllllll, you understand
somethinin muy very bad english!!!OK Thanks anywere.. 

On 11/9/05, Gregory S. Williamson <> wrote:
> Fernando --
> I am not sure about the first question -- my spansih is rusry.
> postgres does force all column, table and schema names (I think) to lower
> case (there have been recent long discussions about this on this list IIRC).
> If you want to preserve case put the column name in double quotes:
> "ItemID" = ItemID
> ItemID = itemid
> This applies both to the creation of a table and when referring to that
> table's columns.
> HTH,
> Greg Williamson
> GlobeXplorer LLC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: on behalf of Fernando Garcia
> Sent: Wed 11/9/2005 6:22 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: [SQL] Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....
> Hola a todo... necesito ejecutar una consulta Insert que realice en pgsql
> para ver si inserta correctamente en la tabla asociada, pero con execute
> me
> da un error....alguien me puede decir como lo hago....
> yo trabajo con el editor postgresql manager pro..
> Gracias...
> Ahh otra cosa: en otra consulta que realice pero que es un select al
> principio me daba un error porque no encontraba la columna "ItemID" la
> cual
> porsupuesto existia, entonces a la columna le quite las mayusculas de su
> nombre quedando "itemid" y ya no me salio el error.....en postgres los
> nombres de tablas y columnas deben ser siempre con minuscula????


Re: Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....

"Gregory S. Williamson"
Fernando --

It is best to always copy to the list -- more eyes means a better chance of help.

You can use native SQL to define a database (once connected to the "template1" database issue a "CREATE DATABASE foo;"
command),or use one of the pgAdmin option, IIRC -- I don't have it installed on this computer and haven't used it
recently.I don't remember if they have a GUI for creating tables -- I almost always use SQL directly. 

In answer to you question about creating a function to do inserts, I have a very simple test case.

I create a table:
gex_runtime=# create table users (  user_name text,  -- postgres' easiest string variable is text  user_email text,

This is obviously quite simple -- no index or serial ids, etc., which I almost always use, nor a timestamp or any other
goodies.But enough to show the idea I hope. 

Then I create a simple function in the plpgsql language. After you create the database you need to run a "createlang
plpgsql"at a command prompt; pgAdmin surely has a way of creating language support in a database but I don't remember
whatthat method is.  

Remove/comment out the NOTICE lines when you are done debugging (? depulgar ? IIRC from my days in Nicaragua long ago)
asthey will always appear in the logs etc. 

This function doesn't do any sanity checking, but you could make it check for obvious errors like missing data; a NULL
valuepassed to this function will cause undesirable results because of a " = " test that would need to be able to be an
ISNULL test. 

The only check this function makes is to see if we already have the name, email and password; if we do the function
returnsan integer value of 1; if it suceeds it will return a 0. 

Remember that you can't put a transaction into a function (well, not in postgres 7.4, which is where this example comes
from),although you can use savepoints I think in the latest releasesl check the manuals for guidance on transactions
andfunctions for details. 

DECLARE p_u_name ALIAS FOR $1;   p_u_email ALIAS FOR $2;   p_u_pwd ALIAS FOR $3;       sp_retval INTEGER;
BEGIN       RAISE NOTICE ''doing insert user for %'', p_u_name;       -- check here for bad data, etc.        sp_retval
=(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE user_name = p_u_name AND user_email = p_u_email AND user_pwd = p_u_pwd);       RAISE NOTICE
''gotback test val of %'', sp_retval;       IF (sp_retval >= 1) THEN               RETURN(sp_retval);       ELSE
     INSERT INTO users VALUES(p_u_name, p_u_email, p_u_pwd);              RAISE NOTICE ''done with insert'';
 RETURN(0);        END IF; 
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

And when I test it:

gex_runtime=# select * from insert_a_user('Joe Major', '', 'apassWord?');
NOTICE:  doing insert for Joe Major
NOTICE:  got back test val of <NULL>
NOTICE:  done with insertinsert_a_user
---------------            0
(1 row)

And the row is in the table:

gex_runtime=# select * from users;user_name |    user_email     |  user_pwd
-----------+-------------------+------------Joe Major | | apassWord?
(1 row)

Try it again -- should fail:

gex_runtime=# select * from insert_a_user('Joe Major', '', 'apassWord?');
NOTICE:  doing insert user for Joe Major
NOTICE:  got back test val of 1insert_a_user
---------------            1
(1 row)

gex_runtime=# select * from users;user_name |    user_email     |  user_pwd
-----------+-------------------+------------Joe Major | | apassWord?
(1 row)

And sure enough -- just the original record.

Add another user:

gex_runtime=# select * from insert_a_user('Mary Contrary', '', 'only4me!');
NOTICE:  doing insert user for Mary Contrary
NOTICE:  got back test val of <NULL>
NOTICE:  done with insertinsert_a_user
---------------            0
(1 row)

gex_runtime=# select * from users;  user_name   |    user_email     |  user_pwd
---------------+-------------------+------------Joe Major     | | apassWord?Mary Contrary |     | only4me! 
(2 rows)


Greg W.

ps be sure to send questions, etc. to the list as a whole so that more people have a chance to see the question and
answer,and because any one individual might be gone for a while. 

-----Original Message-----
From:    Fernando Garcia []
Sent:    Thu 11/10/2005 6:23 AM
To:    Gregory S. Williamson
Subject:    Re: [SQL] Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....
ok man dont worry I use postgresql 8.0.3...... other thing, I have a
postgresql DataBase in sql archive, how can i create in pgadmin III a data
base with this struct of table, column, etc. See i need charge a sql file in
a new pgsql database.Thank a lot.......and rip in peace
On 11/10/05, Gregory S. Williamson <> wrote:
> Fernando --
> I have forwarded your message to the postgres SQL list where it started --
> it is good practice to "cc" the list in general so that others can
> contribute / learn.
> If you could provide the version of postgres you are using that might
> help, as there differences between 7.x and 8.x that might matter.
> I am at the very end of my day and too tired to be coherent -- perhaps
> someone else can provide an elegant snippet of code ?
> If there's no response in the next few hours I'll give it try.
> ZzzzZzzzzZzzz
> G
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fernando Garcia []
> Sent: Thu 11/10/2005 5:23 AM
> To: Gregory S. Williamson
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [SQL] Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....
> thanks very much, jeje, my english its very rusry...
> i try explain to you what i can to do in the first question.....remember I
> try!!!!!
> Well, I have one function what insert one record in one tabe (EJ:
> adduser(name,email,password))
> How can I execute this function to prove this insertion......???
> Welllllll, you understand somethin in muy very bad english!!!
> OK Thanks anywere..
> On 11/9/05, Gregory S. Williamson <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Fernando --
> >
> > I am not sure about the first question -- my spansih is rusry.
> >
> > postgres does force all column, table and schema names (I think) to
> lower
> > case (there have been recent long discussions about this on this list
> IIRC).
> > If you want to preserve case put the column name in double quotes:
> > "ItemID" = ItemID
> > ItemID = itemid
> >
> > This applies both to the creation of a table and when referring to that
> > table's columns.
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > Greg Williamson
> > DBA
> > GlobeXplorer LLC
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: on behalf of Fernando Garcia
> > Sent: Wed 11/9/2005 6:22 AM
> > To:
> > Cc:
> > Subject: [SQL] Como ejecutar una funcion insert en plpgsql....
> > Hola a todo... necesito ejecutar una consulta Insert que realice en
> pgsql
> > para ver si inserta correctamente en la tabla asociada, pero con execute
> > me
> > da un error....alguien me puede decir como lo hago....
> > yo trabajo con el editor postgresql manager pro..
> > Gracias...
> > Ahh otra cosa: en otra consulta que realice pero que es un select al
> > principio me daba un error porque no encontraba la columna "ItemID" la
> > cual
> > porsupuesto existia, entonces a la columna le quite las mayusculas de su
> > nombre quedando "itemid" y ya no me salio el error.....en postgres los
> > nombres de tablas y columnas deben ser siempre con minuscula????
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
