Thread: serial in output

serial in output

"alessandra de gregorio"

What function should I use to get a serial number, together with my results,
from a query?

Ex. Of output I want:

1    ooo    pp    ij
2    hou    joo    iu    
3    bhi    ft    yh

Basically, I would like to have one column with integers, from 1 onwards, no
matter how many tables I join in, or the data that I get back.


Re: serial in output

Andreas Kretschmer
alessandra de gregorio <> schrieb:

> Hi,
> What function should I use to get a serial number, together with my results,
> from a query?
> Ex. Of output I want:
> 1    ooo    pp    ij
> 2    hou    joo    iu    
> 3    bhi    ft    yh
> Basically, I would like to have one column with integers, from 1 onwards, no
> matter how many tables I join in, or the data that I get back.

Create a sequence and then "select nextval('your_sequence'), * from foo;"

HTH, Andreas
Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect. (Linus Torvalds)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: serial in output

Harald Fuchs
In article <>,
"alessandra de gregorio" <> writes:

> Hi,
> What function should I use to get a serial number, together with my results,
> from a query?

> Ex. Of output I want:

> 1    ooo    pp    ij
> 2    hou    joo    iu    
> 3    bhi    ft    yh

> Basically, I would like to have one column with integers, from 1 onwards, no
> matter how many tables I join in, or the data that I get back.

I'd do it in application code, but if you insist on doing it at the
SQL layer:

SELECT nextval('tmpseq'), othercols... FROM ...