Thread: date question

date question

Judith Altamirano Figueroa
Hi everybody, in Postgres 7.0.2 I have the next query:<br /><br /> SELECT * from clientes_proceso where
fecha_mod::date<= now() -1;<br /><br /> but in version 8.0.1 returns the next error:<br /><br /> ERROR: The operator
doesn'texist: timestamp with time zone - integer<br /><br /> How can drop a day to now()??  

Re: date question

Quoting Judith Altamirano Figueroa <>:
> Hi everybody, in Postgres 7.0.2 I have the next query:
> SELECT * from clientes_proceso where fecha_mod::date <= now() -1;
> but in version 8.0.1 returns the next error:
> ERROR: The operator doesn't exist: timestamp with time zone - integer
> How can drop a day to now()??

Try using "now()::date", or "interval". Like: select * from clientes_proceso where fecha_mod::date <= now()::date -1;
or: select * from clientes_proceso where fecha_mod::date <= now() - '1

Re: date question

Michael Glaesemann
On Nov 4, 2005, at 1:17 , Judith Altamirano Figueroa wrote:

> Hi everybody, in Postgres 7.0.2 I have the next query:
> SELECT * from clientes_proceso where fecha_mod::date <= now() -1;
> but in version 8.0.1 returns the next error:
> ERROR: The operator doesn't exist: timestamp with time zone - integer
> How can drop a day to now()??

You can try a couple of different things: one is to use CURRENT_DATE  
- 1 instead of now() -1. Another would be to cast now() to date,  
e.g., now()::date - 1.

Hope this helps.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com