Thread: cast


Judith Altamirano Figueroa
Hello I have a query that ran in 7.0.2, but in 8.0.1 does not, the query
is the next:

select      n.factura,     n.venta_neta,     c.nombre_cli || ' ' || c.apellido_pat_cli || ' ' || coalesce
(c.apellido_mat_cli,''),         date(n.fecha_hora_factura),     o.nombre_oftfrom      nota_venta n,     clientes c,
           oft_central owhere      date(n.fecha_hora_factura) >= '2005-10-01' and     date(n.fecha_hora_factura) <=
'2005-10-14'and     n.id_cliente = c.id_cliente and     cast(n.udf4 as integer) = o.id_oft_central and     n.factura is
notnull and                n.s_factura != 'T'order by o.nombre_oft";

it aparently returns an error because the cast, but I need to do the
cast, does somebody knows how can I change the cast but with the same
result, thnks!!!!

Re: cast

Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 01:08:43PM -0500, Judith Altamirano Figueroa wrote:
> Hello I have a query that ran in 7.0.2, but in 8.0.1 does not, the query
> is the next:

It'd help if we could see the table schema and the error message.


Andrew Sullivan  |
When my information changes, I alter my conclusions.  What do you do sir?    --attr. John Maynard Keynes

Re: cast

"Dan Feiveson"
I believe int8(n.udf4) will do the trick for you.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Judith Altamirano Figueroa" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 12:08 PM
Subject: [SQL] cast

> Hello I have a query that ran in 7.0.2, but in 8.0.1 does not, the query
> is the next:
> select n.factura,
> n.venta_neta,
> c.nombre_cli || ' ' || c.apellido_pat_cli || ' ' || coalesce
> (c.apellido_mat_cli,''), 
> date(n.fecha_hora_factura),
> o.nombre_oft
> from nota_venta n,
> clientes c,
>                  oft_central o
> where date(n.fecha_hora_factura) >= '2005-10-01' and
> date(n.fecha_hora_factura) <= '2005-10-14' and
> n.id_cliente = c.id_cliente and
> cast(n.udf4 as integer) = o.id_oft_central and
> n.factura is not null and
>                  n.s_factura != 'T'
> order by o.nombre_oft";
> it aparently returns an error because the cast, but I need to do the
> cast, does somebody knows how can I change the cast but with the same
> result, thnks!!!!
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