Oops! Feping@artindo.co.id (Art - Feping) was seen spray-painting on a wall:
> i want to select from many databases, for example , i want to select table
> master in database A, and table master in database B.
> can i do it like this : " select * from A.Master, B.Master " just like
> in SQL Server ??
> or can somebody help me how to select many database in postgresSQL ?? Thank
> u....
There is a module called "dblink" in the contrib area that can do
this. You obviously don't get to maintain all the "goodies" of
integrity constraints and MVCC 'synchronization' of data.
If you find you have applications where you are accessing multiple
databases like this, you should consider whether or not they could
perhaps be joined into one database by putting the data into several
namespaces or schemas.
That _may_ not be possible, but it's worth investigating, as it is
likely to be _way_ more efficient...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="gmail.com" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
PASCAL is not a language. It was an experiment combining the
flexibilty of C with that of a drug-crazed penguin. It is also the
'language' of choice of many CS professors who aren't up to handling
REAL programming. Hence, it is not a language.