If you are interested in performance things, you may use the EXPLAIN
explain select * from "GetLanguages"() where "Id" > 44
explain select * from "Languages" where "Id">44;
However the explain stops at the point a function is invoked.
This may mean that (as you asked) a select over a table function produces a
temprary table and thus costs much ressources if the table is big.
|-----Original Message-----
|From: KÖPFERL Robert
|Sent: Montag, 14. März 2005 12:26
|To: pgsql-sql@postgresql.org
|Subject: [SQL] How does the planner treat a table function.
|we have got some tables (uw?) and functions. One function is
|defined like
|SELECT a,b,c from table_x;
|What happens if I query something like
|SELECT a,b from get_abc() where a=5;
|while table_x is rather big?
|Will PSQL at first query all records of table_x and then apply
|a where a=5
|will PSQL integrate it to a shorter query?
|(In case there will be of course an intex over a to prevent sequential
|---------------------------(end of
|TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index
|scan if your
| joining column's datatypes do not match