Thread: Question about insert/update RULEs.

Question about insert/update RULEs.

"Dmitri Bichko"

I am trying to use the RULE system to simulate updatable views, with the
final goal of simulating polymorphism in an ORM-like system

Same old idea - when selecting from foo C:DBI checks the "type" column
and reblesses (I guess casts, in non-perl world) the object to the
appropriate class (which will lazily fetch the additional columns).

Here's what I have so far:

CREATE TABLE "foo" ( "foo_id"    serial PRIMARY KEY, "type"    varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT 'base' CONSTRAINT types CHECK
(type IN ('base', 'bar')) "a"        varchar NOT NULL, "b"        varchar DEFAULT 'some text',

CREATE TABLE "foo_bar" ( "foo_id" integer PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT foo REFERENCES foo (foo_id) ON

SELECT f.foo_id, f.a, f.b, b.c
FROM foo f JOIN foo_bar b USING(foo_id);

CREATE RULE "bar_insert" AS ON INSERT TO "bar"DO INSTEAD (    INSERT INTO "foo" (foo_id, type, a, b) VALUES
(NEW.foo_id, 'bar', NEW.a, NEW.b);    INSERT INTO "foo_bar" (foo_id, c) VALUES (NEW.foo_id,

CREATE RULE "bar_update" AS ON UPDATE TO "bar"DO INSTEAD (    UPDATE "foo" SET a = NEW.a, b = NEW.b WHERE foo_id =
OLD.foo_id;    UPDATE "foo_bar" SET c = NEW.c WHERE foo_id =

CREATE RULE "bar_delete" AS ON DELETE TO "bar"DO INSTEADDELETE FROM "foo" WHERE foo_id = OLD.foo_id;

The problem is that for the sequence to do the right thing, I have to
select nextval first in a separate query and then pass it explicitely to
INSERT INTO "bar" (which C:DBI does anyway, but I'd like to do better).

If I were to do this:foo insert: foo_id = COALESCE(NEW.foo_id, nextval('foo_foo_id_seq')),foo_bar insert: foo_id =

Will the currval() be guaranteed to be the same value that the nextval()
got?  I am not quite sure what the "scope" of currval() is.

Also, using COALESCE is the only way I can think of to deal with default
values, is there a way to have the rule respect the defaults of the
underlying tables without having to specify them again in the rule
itself (ie COALESCE(NEW.b, 'some text')?

Secondly, the fact that UPDATE queries work seems a little magical to me
(I got the rule examples from the docs): if a user does not specify a
value for a column in an update, is its NEW value set to OLD?  Also, it
seems that I can specify arbitrary WHERE clauses for the updates and
they work properly, but it seems that the rule only matches on the
primary key - why does this work?

I've been having trouble finding documentation about what other
information (in addition to NEW and OLD) about the query being rewritten
is available to the INSTEAD queries - mainly because I don't know what
these things are called, so I don't know where to look (ie it's not just
a query, it's not a function - what is this block referred to as?).

Sorry, that was a little stream of consiousness.  More generally - is
there anything else I should be aware of when trying this approach?

Thanks for the help, if this works it will be quite an elegant solution
to an annoying problem.


Re: Question about insert/update RULEs.

Ron Peterson
On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 06:45:54AM -0500, Dmitri Bichko wrote:

> CREATE TABLE "foo" (
>   "foo_id"    serial PRIMARY KEY,
>   "type"    varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT 'base' CONSTRAINT types CHECK
> (type IN ('base', 'bar'))
>   "a"        varchar NOT NULL,
>   "b"        varchar DEFAULT 'some text',
> );
> CREATE TABLE "foo_bar" (
>   "foo_id" integer PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT foo REFERENCES foo (foo_id) ON
>   "c"        varchar
> );
> SELECT f.foo_id, f.a, f.b, b.c
> FROM foo f JOIN foo_bar b USING(foo_id);
> CREATE RULE "bar_insert" AS ON INSERT TO "bar"
>     DO INSTEAD (
>         INSERT INTO "foo" (foo_id, type, a, b) VALUES
> (NEW.foo_id, 'bar', NEW.a, NEW.b);
>         INSERT INTO "foo_bar" (foo_id, c) VALUES (NEW.foo_id,
> NEW.c);
>     );
> The problem is that for the sequence to do the right thing, I have to
> select nextval first in a separate query and then pass it explicitely to
> INSERT INTO "bar" (which C:DBI does anyway, but I'd like to do better).
> If I were to do this:
>  foo insert: foo_id = COALESCE(NEW.foo_id, nextval('foo_foo_id_seq')),
>  foo_bar insert: foo_id = COALESCE(NEW.foo_id,
> currval('foo_foo_id_seq')),

I believe you may be trying to do something like the following:

CREATE RULE bar_insert AS
( INSERT INTO   foo ( food_id, type, a, b ) VALUES   ( nextval( 'foo_foo_id_seq' ), ... );
 INSERT INTO   foo_bar ( foo_id, c ) VALUES   ( currval( 'foo_foo_id_seq' ), ... );

(Which would mean there's no reason for view 'bar' to display foo_id)

Hmm, just noticed you defined foo.foo_id to be type 'serial', so you
could omit foo_id in the first INSERT.

> Will the currval() be guaranteed to be the same value that the nextval()
> got?  I am not quite sure what the "scope" of currval() is.

The value of currval will be predictable within the current session.
I.E., if another session increments the sequence, the value returned by
currval in the current session won't change.


Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College