Thread: Insert successful but data not found

Insert successful but data not found

Mian Yong Leow
Has anyone encountered this problem before?

I perform an INSERTion and there weren't any complains
of error, so i assume that it has no error.  When i
perform a SELECT there were 0 rows in the table.

This is just a simple table with (Integer,
Varchar(25),Varchar(50),Varchar(50)) type of data.

The error does not occur all the time, it only happens
once in a while.

Would appreciate if anyone can share their experience
and ways of getting around it with me.

Thank you in advance.


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Re: Insert successful but data not found

Michael Fuhr
On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 06:58:43PM -0800, Mian Yong Leow wrote:

> I perform an INSERTion and there weren't any complains
> of error, so i assume that it has no error.  When i
> perform a SELECT there were 0 rows in the table.

What language or program are you using to do the inserts?  How are
you checking for errors?  Have you done tests to verify that you
*would* see errors if any occurred?  Is it possible that the inserting
transaction was rolled back instead of committed?

Michael Fuhr