Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your response - sorry it's taken so long to reply, I've been out
of contact for a while.
Still can't fathom why it's not using an index scan on the jobs table..
: Posting the EXPLAIN is a good, an EXPLAIN ANALYZE would be better
: (assuming your dataset is small enough for it to complete in this
: lifetime). You also need to include the following information:
: 1) The schema involved, including information about indexes being used.
Here's the EXPLAIN ANALYZE, schemas and indexes:
Quarry=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT Customers.CustomerId, Jobs.JobId FROM
Customers INNER JOIN Jobs USING (CustomerId); QUERY PLAN
------------------------------------------Hash Join (cost=78.54..7924.71 rows=70727 width=8) (actual
time=50.000..21941.000 rows=70727 loops=1) Hash Cond: ("outer".customerid = "inner".customerid) -> Seq Scan on jobs
(cost=0.00..6785.27rows=70727 width=8) (actual
time=40.000..21040.000 rows=70727 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=76.03..76.03 rows=1003 width=4) (actual
time=10.000..10.000 rows=0 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on customers (cost=0.00..76.03 rows=1003 width=4)
(actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=1003 loops=1)Total runtime: 22292.000 ms
(6 rows)
CREATE TABLE customers ( customerid serial NOT NULL, account character varying(6) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT
NULL, businessname character varying(40) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT
NULL, address character varying(30) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, suburb character varying(30) DEFAULT
''::charactervarying NOT NULL, postcode character varying(4) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, state
character(3)DEFAULT ''::bpchar NOT NULL, mobile character varying(14) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, fax
charactervarying(14) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, acctitle character varying(4) DEFAULT ''::character
varyingNOT NULL, accfirst character varying(14) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, acclast character
varying(14)DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, accphone character varying(14) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT
NULL, accfax character(1) DEFAULT ''::bpchar NOT NULL, accmobile character varying(14) DEFAULT ''::character varying
NOTNULL, alttitle character varying(4) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, altfirst character varying(14)
DEFAULT''::character varying NOT NULL, altlast character varying(14) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
currentnumeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, aged30 numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, aged60 numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0
NOTNULL, aged90 numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ytd numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, pg character(1) DEFAULT
''::bpcharNOT NULL, acclimit character varying(14) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, accauto character(1)
DEFAULT''::bpchar NOT NULL, text text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL, fee character(1) DEFAULT ''::bpchar NOT NULL,
gstcharacter(1) DEFAULT ''::bpchar NOT NULL, stop character(1) DEFAULT ''::bpchar NOT NULL
Customers - Indexes
customers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (customerid);
UNIQUE INDEX customers_account ON customers USING btree (account);
CREATE TABLE jobs ( jobid serial NOT NULL, customerid integer, quarryid integer, producttypeid integer,
invoiceidinteger, salesid integer, orderid character varying(15) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, jobdate
date, contactname character varying(40) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT
NULL, businessname character varying(40) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT
NULL, address character varying(30) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, suburb character varying(30) DEFAULT
''::charactervarying NOT NULL, phone character varying(14) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, melway character
varying(4)DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, melxy character(3) DEFAULT ''::bpchar NOT NULL, quarryorder
numeric(10,2)DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, quarrypickup numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, quarryprice numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0
NOTNULL, transport numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, margin numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, unit character(1)
DEFAULT''::bpchar NOT NULL, done character(1) DEFAULT ''::bpchar NOT NULL, xno character varying(10) DEFAULT
''::charactervarying NOT NULL, mzone character(1) DEFAULT ''::bpchar NOT NULL, invoice numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT
NULL, drivercomment character varying(12) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT
NULL text text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL, gst numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, distance numeric(7,2) DEFAULT 0
NOTNULL, productdefinitionid integer, customerprice numeric(10,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
Jobs Keys/Indexes
jobs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (jobid);
INDEX jobs_customerid ON jobs USING btree (customerid);
INDEX jobs_jobdate ON jobs USING btree (jobdate);
INDEX jobs_quarryid ON jobs USING btree (quarryid);
CONSTRAINT jobs_customerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (customerid) REFERENCES
CONSTRAINT jobs_invoiceid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (invoiceid) REFERENCES
ADD CONSTRAINT jobs_productdefinitionid_fkey FOREIGN KEY
(productdefinitionid) REFERENCES producttypes(producttypeid) ON UPDATE
CONSTRAINT jobs_producttypeid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (producttypeid) REFERENCES
producttypes(producttypeid) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT;
CONSTRAINT jobs_quarryid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (quarryid) REFERENCES
CONSTRAINT jobs_salesid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (salesid) REFERENCES sales(salesid)
: 2) Have you vacuumed / analyzed the tables involved recently?
Yes, I ran "VACUUM ANALYZE" on both table before I started.
: 3) Have you modified the stats on any of the tables / columns involve or
: are you using defaults?
I'm using the defaults...
Thanks in advance to anyone who has taken the time to wade through this
one... :)
: Drew
: Scott Pederick wrote:
: | Hi all!
: |
: | I'm having a problem with Postgresql 8.0.0-beta4 on a Win2K machine and
: | particular join.
: |
: | I've got two tables - a list of customers and jobs they've had. A
: | can have multiple jobs.
: |
: | The query always scans the entire jobs table for each customer - I need
: | the other way around so I can get a list of the customers who have at
: least
: | one job.
: |
: | The EXPLAIN shows the jobs table is being scanned for some reason:
: |
: | Quarry=# EXPLAIN SELECT Customers.CustomerId, Jobs.JobId FROM Customers
: | INNER JOIN Jobs USING (CustomerId);
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
: | Hash Join (cost=78.54..4908.71 rows=70727 width=8)
: | Hash Cond: ("outer".customerid = "inner".customerid)
: | -> Seq Scan on jobs (cost=0.00..3769.27 rows=70727 width=8)
: | -> Hash (cost=76.03..76.03 rows=1003 width=4)
: | -> Seq Scan on customers (cost=0.00..76.03 rows=1003 width=4)
: | (5 rows)
: |
: |
: |
: | Even if I reverse the JOIN I get the exact same result:
: |
: | Quarry=# EXPLAIN SELECT Customers.CustomerId, Jobs.JobId FROM Jobs INNER
: | JOIN Customers USING (CustomerId);
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
: | Hash Join (cost=78.54..4908.71 rows=70727 width=8)
: | Hash Cond: ("outer".customerid = "inner".customerid)
: | -> Seq Scan on jobs (cost=0.00..3769.27 rows=70727 width=8)
: | -> Hash (cost=76.03..76.03 rows=1003 width=4)
: | -> Seq Scan on customers (cost=0.00..76.03 rows=1003 width=4)
: | (5 rows)
: |
: |
: | How can I force it to operate as I need it to? It seems the query
: engine is
: | a little smarter than it needs to be.
: |
: | If anyone can shed some light on this problem, it would be greatly
: | appreciated. I've taken it as far as I can and don't really know where
: | move from here.
: - --
: Andrew Hammond 416-673-4138 ahammond@ca.afilias.info
: Database Administrator, Afilias Canada Corp.
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