Thread: Cursor returned from procedure ignores setFetchSize() on CallableStatement
Cursor returned from procedure ignores setFetchSize() on CallableStatement
"Brian G. Huber"
Hello all - I need to return large result sets and therefore need a cursor with a small fetch size (to avoid caching the entire query at once). However, it appears that when a cursor is returned from a callable statement setFetchSize is ignored. I set up a query that crashes with outofMemoryError if entire query is cached. I am able to sucsessfully use a Statement and setFetchSize() to avoid the crash. However, when I put the code in a procedure, the outofMEmoryError throws before I even try to access the result set, indicating that the entire query is caching. This is true with or without calling setFetchSize on the ResultSet in addition to the CallableStatement. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Any comments greatly appreciated. Thanks Client Code------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- cn.setAutoCommit(false); CallableStatement proc = cn.prepareCall("{ ? = call reffunc2('cursor1') }"); proc.setFetchSize(100); proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.OTHER); proc.execute(); rds = (ResultSet) proc.getObject(1); rds.setFetchSize(100); while ({ ... } Function-------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.reffunc2(refcursor) RETURNS refcursor AS ' BEGIN OPEN $1 FOR SELECT ...<Large Query>...; RETURN $1; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE;