I am expiriencing some performance issues, on a table in my postgres db.
I cron script is being run every night (while very low db activity),
that deletes all rows from the table, and injects a bunch of new data...
Every day between 60.000 and 100.000 rows.
ppdb=> select version(); version
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PostgreSQL 7.4.1 on
i386-portbld-freebsd5.2,compiled by GCC cc (GCC)
3.3.3 [FreeBSD] 20031106
(1 row)
ppdb=> \d itxhas Table "public.itxhas" Column | Type
-------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------hasid | integer
| not null default
nextval('itxhas_hasid_seq'::text)partno | character varying(60) | mfg | character varying(25)
|qty | character varying(20) | condition | character varying(20) | gescode | character
varying(10) | cmup | numeric(14,2) | create_date | timestamp without time zone | posted_date
|timestamp without time zone | status | character varying(15) | company_id | integer |
die_date | timestamp without time zone |
Indexes: "itx_create_date_idx" btree (create_date
Every time I need to select something from this table, I feel it takes
way too long..
I have run vacuum analyze without improvement.
ppdb=> explain select count(*) from itxhas; QUERY PLAN
--------------------------------------------------------------------Aggregate (cost=78472.86..78472.86 rows=1 width=0)
-> Seq Scan on itxhas (cost=0.00..78253.09 rows=87909 width=0)
(2 rows)
ppdb=> explain analyze select count(*) from itxhas; QUERY PLAN
(cost=78472.86..78472.86 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=24242.717..24242.719 rows=1 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on itxhas (cost=0.00..78253.09 rows=87909 width=0)
(actual time=23763.883..24122.221 rows=87909 loops=1)Total runtime: 24242.844 ms
(3 rows)
Is this normal ? If I run the same select on another table in the same
database with ~40.000 rows, it takes approx 820.00ms...
Any ideas ?
Best Regards,Michael L. Hostbaek
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