Thread: SQL Query

SQL Query

beyaNet Consultancy
I am trying to create a query which basically goes along the lines of:

INSERT INTO tableX ( COL1, COL2 ) VALUES ( x, y ) where COL1 !=x and
COL2 !=Y

So, insert a record into tableX where there is not already an existence
of COL1 and COL2

Can this be done as I have described or is there a more efficient way
to do this?

many thanks


Re: SQL Query

Bruno Wolff III
On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 20:02:32 +0000, beyaNet Consultancy <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to create a query which basically goes along the lines of:
> INSERT INTO tableX ( COL1, COL2 ) VALUES ( x, y ) where COL1 !=x and 
> COL2 !=Y
> So, insert a record into tableX where there is not already an existence 
> of COL1 and COL2
> Can this be done as I have described or is there a more efficient way 
> to do this?
> many thanks
> Peter

Pretty much the same question was asked on the admin list (though this
list is more appropiate) earlier today. The answer I gave is at: