Thread: COPY command

COPY command



 i try to load a file into temporary table but it gives me an error . do u
have any idea/solutions ??  the command that i've running as below :

   dwnc=# copy biosadm.custdo_temp
dwnc-# from '/home/bios/customer_data/CustomerDO_new.CSV'
dwnc-# WITH DELIMITER ',' ;

ERROR:  copy: line 141, Extra data after last expected column

FYI, my file was in comma delimiter type (csv) . My table structure as
following :
   dwnc-# \dbiosadm.custdo_temp        Table "biosadm.custdo_temp" Column  |         Type          | Modifiers
----------+-----------------------+-----------dono     | character varying(13) |dodate   | date
|custname| character varying(70) |custlo   | character varying(40) |attnto   | character varying(80) |

Please guide me . thanks