Thread: Combine 'left outer join' and 'inner join'

Combine 'left outer join' and 'inner join'


I have a problem with a sql request on Postgresql.
It uses 'left outer join' and 'inner join'

Here is my request:

select a.acte_id,a.acte_libelle,a.acte_url_image,a.acte_page,
pays.pays_id,pays.pays_nom, t.type_acte_id,t.type_acte_nom,
commune1.commune_id as commune1_id, commune1.commune_nom as commune1_nom,
commune1.commune_nom_equivalent as commune1_nom_equivalent,
departement1.departement_id as departement1_id,
departement1.departement_nom as departement1_nom,
departement1.departement_numero as departement1_numero,
pays1.pays_id as pays1_id,pays1.pays_nom as pays1_nomfrom acte a  left outer join registre as r    on (
a.acte_registre_id= r.registre_id )  inner join commune    on ( a.acte_lieu_id = commune.commune_id )    inner join
departement     on ( commune.commune_departement_id = departement.departement_id )      inner join pays        on (
departement.departement_pays_id= pays.pays_id )  inner join type_acte as t    on ( a.acte_type_id=t.type_acte_id )
innerjoin source    on ( a.acte_source_id=source.source_id )    left outer join archive      on (
source.source_archive_id= archive.archive_id )    inner join adresse      on ( archive.archive_adresse_id =
adresse.adresse_id)    left outer join commune as commune1      on ( adresse.adresse_commune_id = commune1.commune_id )
  left outer join departement as departement1      on ( commune1.commune_departement_id = departement1.departement_id )
  left outer join pays as pays1      on ( departement1.departement_pays_id = pays1.pays_id )and a.acte_id=1;

It is based on the data model that you can find at the following url:

This request must return only one line but the 'left outer join', there are several lines.
I think that I don't correctly use 'left outer join'...
Is anyone know how to use it?
Thanks by advance for your help.

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