Thread: Re: trigger after with cursor

Re: trigger after with cursor


This problem can be handle using with rowtype, etc:
create or replace function fn_tr_ai_pdcblc() returns trigger as '
declare  c_pdcblc cursor for select * from t_pdcblc where fc_branch=new.fc_branch
and fc_bankacct=new.fc_bankacct and fd_trxdate>=new.fd_trxdate;  row_pdcblc t_pdcblc%rowtype;  balance decimal(30,5);
ctr    int;
begin   balance    := 0;   ctr        := 0;   open c_pdcblc;   for c_pdc in 1..(select count(*) from t_pdcblc where
fc_branch=new.fc_branch and fc_bankacct=new.fc_bankacct and
fd_trxdate>=new.fd_trxdate) loop       fetch c_pdcblc into row_pdcblc;       if (select count(*) from t_pdcblc where
fc_bankacct=new.fc_bankacct and fd_trxdate<new.fd_trxdate)>0 and ctr=0 then          ctr := ctr + 1;          select
fm_balanceinto balance from t_pdcblc where
fc_branch=new.fc_branch and fc_bankacct=new.fc_bankacct
fd_trxdate=(select max(fd_trxdate) from t_pdcblc where
fc_branch=new.fc_branch and fc_bankacct=new.fc_bankacct and
fd_trxdate<new.fd_trxdate);       end if;       balance := balance+row_pdcblc.fm_masuk-row_pdcblc.fm_keluar;
row_pdcblc.fm_balance:= balance;       update t_pdcblc set fm_balance=row_pdcblc.fm_balance where
fc_branch=row_pdcblc.fc_Branch and fc_bankacct=row_pdcblc.fc_bankacct and
fc_trxno=row_pdcblc.fc_trxno and fn_nomor=row_pdcblc.fn_nomor;   end loop;   close c_pdcblc;   return new;
end;' language 'plpgsql';

create trigger tr_ai_pdcblc after insert on d_transaksi.t_pdcblc for each
row execute procedure fn_tr_ai_pdcblc();

Now this problem trigger update for updated field in this table.

Please help me.


"betty" <> wrote in message
> Hi..
> I try trigger after insert used cursor without rowtype or cursor with
> rowtype, etc:
> create or replace function fn_tr_ai_pdcblc() returns trigger as '
> declare
>    c_pdcblc cursor for select * from t_pdcblc where
> and fc_bankacct=new.fc_bankacct;
>    row_pdcblc t_pdcblc%rowtype;
>    balance decimal(30,5);
> begin
>     balance:=0;
>     open c_pdcblc;
>     for c_pdc in 1..(select count(*) from t_pdcblc where
> fc_branch=new.fc_branch and fc_bankacct=new.fc_bankacct and
> fd_trxdate>=new.fd_trxdate) loop
>         fetch c_pdcblc into row_pdcblc;
>         if (select count(*) from t_pdcblc where fc_branch=new.fc_branch
> fc_bankacct=new.fc_bankacct and fd_trxdate<new.fd_trxdate)>0 then
>            balance:=fm_balance from t_pdcblc where fc_branch=new.fc_branch
> and fc_bankacct=new.fc_bankacct and fd_trxdate<new.fd_trxdate;
>         end if;
>         new.fm_balance :=
> (update field fm_balance at table t_pdcblc)
>         balance              := new.fm_balance;
>     end loop;
>     close c_pdcblc;
>     return new;
> end;' language 'plpgsql';
> create trigger tr_ai_pdcblc after insert on d_transaksi.t_pdcblc for each
> row execute procedure fn_tr_ai_pdcblc();
> result actually:
> table t_pdcblc for field fm_balance occupied value null, ex:
> fm_masuk        fm_keluar           fm_balance
> 1000               0
> this must:
> fm_masuk        fm_keluar           fm_balance
> 1000               0                        1000
> Please help me...
> thanks
> betty