Thread: COPY use in function with variable file name

COPY use in function with variable file name

Sondaar Roelof

I can't figure out how to make this work, or is not possible?

In a function i would like to read a file.
The file name is determined by a value from a table.
However the COPY statement does not to accept this?
I tried various forms of adding (single)-quotes but no luck.

Anyone any ideas?

CREATE FUNCTION dnsdhcp_dns_raw()
/* Fill table dns_raw with dns data */
RETURNS integer AS '
DECLARE   r           RECORD;   ntw         TEXT;
BEGIN   /* Do for all domain names */   FOR r IN SELECT domain FROM network       WHERE position(''n'' IN use) > 0 and
ipaddress!= ''''
LOOP       ntw := ''/tmp/db.'' || r.domain;       DELETE FROM dns_raw; /* Clear table */
RAISE NOTICE ''Network: %'', ntw;       COPY dns_raw FROM ntw DELIMITERS ''~''; /* Get the data */   END LOOP;   RETURN
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

id=# select dnsdhcp_dns_raw();
NOTICE:  Network: /tmp/
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "$1"

CREATE TABLE dns_raw (   data                TEXT
                                 Table "network"    Attribute      |  Type   |                      Modifier
-------id                 | integer | not null default
nextval('"network_id_seq"'::text)ipaddress          | cidr    | not nulldomain             | text    | not nullemail
         | text    | not nulllocation           | text    | not null default 'l'use                | text    | not null
default's'ttl                | text    | not null default '3h'serial             | integer | not null default 1refresh
         | text    | not null default '3h'retry              | text    | not null default '1h'expire             | text
  | not null default '1w'cachettl           | text    | not null default '1d'lease_time_default | integer | not null
default86400lease_time_minimum | integer | not null default 0lease_time_maximum | integer | not null default
0client_updates    | text    | not null default 'ignore'ddns_update_style  | text    | not null default
'interim'description       | text    |

Best regards,

Re: COPY use in function with variable file name

Oliver Elphick
On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 08:05, Sondaar Roelof wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't figure out how to make this work, or is not possible?
> In a function i would like to read a file.
> The file name is determined by a value from a table.
> However the COPY statement does not to accept this?
> I tried various forms of adding (single)-quotes but no luck.
> Anyone any ideas?
> Function:
> CREATE FUNCTION dnsdhcp_dns_raw()
> /* Fill table dns_raw with dns data */
> RETURNS integer AS '
>     r           RECORD;
>     ntw         TEXT;
>     /* Do for all domain names */
>     FOR r IN SELECT domain FROM network
>         WHERE position(''n'' IN use) > 0 and ipaddress != ''''
>         ntw := ''/tmp/db.'' || r.domain;
>         DELETE FROM dns_raw; /* Clear table */
> RAISE NOTICE ''Network: %'', ntw;
>         COPY dns_raw FROM ntw DELIMITERS ''~''; /* Get the data */

Since ntw has variable content, you need to do an EXECUTE with the
command in a text string:EXECUTE ''COPY dns_raw FROM '' || ntw || '' DELIMITERS ''''='''''';

(I hope that is the right number of quotes!)

>     END LOOP;
>     RETURN 0;
> END;'
> LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Oliver Elphick                      
Isle of Wight, UK                   
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
========================================   "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the     world. If any
manlove the world, the love of the      Father is not in him...And the world passeth away, and     the lust thereof;
buthe that doeth the will of God      abideth for ever."             I John 2:15,17