Thread: FW: Converting clarion

FW: Converting clarion

Michael Weaver
<br /><br /><p><font size="2">-----Original Message-----</font><br /><font size="2">From: Michael Weaver </font><br
/><fontsize="2">Sent: Friday, 31 January 2003 10:16 AM</font><br /><font size="2">To: ''</font><br
/><fontsize="2">Subject: RE: [SQL] Converting clarion</font><br /><p><font size="2">If you have access to the Clarion
databasetools then it's really a pretty trivial task to export scripts to somthing more readable.</font><p><font
size="2">Ifyou don't have access to any of the tools that created your database, eg. you are coverting a client off a
TPSbased DB to a PostgreSQL DB, you've got a problem.</font><p><font size="2">TPS seems to be closly guarded file
format.I have not been able to find any publicly avalible information or utils to help. -( other than there is not
help.)</font><p><font size="2">There are ODBC drivers for TPS files avalible (<a
target="_blank"></a>)They cost somewhere in the order of
$250USD</font><p><fontsize="2">There are a couple of applications that can extract data from the TPS files and export
thenas flatfiles, but these are quite hard to get hold of as they are part of the Clarion tool set. - Clarion
programmersare your friends...</font><p><font size="2">Still, the ODBC Driver is probably your best bet as it allows
'no-messno-fuss' dumping of your data directly into Postgres. ;)</font><p><font size="2">Mike Weaver.</font><p><font
size="2">>-----Original Message-----</font><br /><font size="2">> From: Nasair Junior da Silva [<a
href=""></a>]</font><br/><font size="2">> Sent: Friday, 31
January2003 4:37 AM</font><br /><font size="2">> To:</font><br /><font size="2">>
Subject:[SQL] Converting clarion</font><br /><font size="2">> </font><br /><font size="2">> </font><br /><font
size="2">>Dear friends,</font><br /><font size="2">> i'm looking for some program that converts clarion database
</font><br/><font size="2">> files to sql instructions.</font><br /><font size="2">> </font><br /><font
size="2">>Someone can help-me ?</font><br /><font size="2">> </font><br /><font size="2">> thanks in
advance.</font><br/><font size="2">> </font><br /><font size="2">> Nasair Jr. da Silva</font><br /><font
size="2">>Lajeado - RS - Brasil</font><br /><font size="2">> </font><br /><font size="2">> </font><br /><font
size="2">>xx===============================xx</font><br /><font size="2">> ||  °v°   Nasair Junior da Silva
||</font><br/><font size="2">> || /(_)\  Linux User: 246054     ||</font><br /><font size="2">> ||  ^ ^   ||</font><br /><font size="2">> ||CPD - Desenvolvimento          ||</font><br /><font
size="2">>||Univates - Centro Universitário||</font><br /><font size="2">>
xx===============================xx</font><br/><font size="2">> </font><br /><font size="2">>
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