Thread: Using VIEW to simplify code...

Using VIEW to simplify code...

Chris Gamache
Right now I dynamicly generate the SQL for an incredibly ugly 4 table join
based on user information client-side. I got the bright idea to create a view
and then run a MUUUCH simpler client-side query on that view. The problem is
that PostgreSQL apparantly runs the view FIRST and then applies the criteria
AFTER assembling the whole view.

I was hoping that it would rewrite the "select" in the view to include the
criteria BEFORE running the view. That way it could take advantage of the
indexes the way my giant-and-hard-to-maintain-client-generated-sql does.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

If you MUST have the giant-and-hard-to-maintain-client-generated-sql statement
and its related explain, I'll produce it. I cringe at the thought of having to
redact that monster, tho.


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Re: Using VIEW to simplify code...

Tom Lane
Chris Gamache <> writes:
> Right now I dynamicly generate the SQL for an incredibly ugly 4 table join
> based on user information client-side. I got the bright idea to create a view
> and then run a MUUUCH simpler client-side query on that view. The problem is
> that PostgreSQL apparantly runs the view FIRST and then applies the criteria
> AFTER assembling the whole view.

Not necessarily; it starts with that (which after all is what you wrote)
and tries to transform it into something more efficient.  But it's not
as smart as a person ;-).

> If you MUST have the giant-and-hard-to-maintain-client-generated-sql
> statement and its related explain, I'll produce it.

If you want help, you must provide details.  The PG version number is
relevant also.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Using VIEW to simplify code...

Chris Gamache
> If you want help, you must provide details.  The PG version number is
> relevant also.

Understood. PostgreSQL 7.2.3.

Here's the generated client side sql:

select   case when (hasflag(ut.flags,1) or (current_timestamp - '1 day'::interval <
trl.trans_date)) then     case when trl.trans_data like '%RNF'then       ' '   else     'Free'   end else   case when
trl.trans_datalike '%RNF' then      ' '   else     case when ct.misc_charge = '0'::money then        'Free'     else
  'View for ' || to_char(ct.misc_charge::float8,'FM$9990D90') || ''     end   end end as " ", 
trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) as "Date",  
tl.longtype as "Type",  
trl.trans_data as "Query Data",  
to_char(trl.trans_charge::float8,'FM$9990D90') as "Charged",  
trl.user_reference_id as "Reference ID"  
from trans_log_1 trl, addtypelong tl, user_table ut, company_table ct 
((trl.username='myuser') and  
(trl.username=ut.username) and 
(ut.company_name=ct.company_name) and 
(trl.trans_date >= current_timestamp-'60 days'::interval) and  
(tl.shorttype=trl.trans_type) )  
union all  
select   case when (hasflag(ut.flags,16) or (current_timestamp - '1 day'::interval <
trl.trans_date)) then       case when trl.trans_data like '%RNF' then           ' '      else          'Free'      end
else     case when trl.trans_data like '%RNF' then           ' '      else          case when ct.misc_charge =
'0'::moneythen               'Free'          else              'View for ' ||
to_char(ct.misc_charge::float8,'FM$9990D90')|| ''          end      end  end as " ", 
trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) as "Date",  
tl.longtype as "Type",  
trl.trans_data as "Query Data",  
to_char(trl.trans_charge::float8,'FM$9990D90') as "Charged",  
trl.user_reference_id as "Reference ID"  
from trans_log_2 trl, addtypelong tl, user_table ut, company_table ct 
((trl.username='myuser') and  (trl.username=ut.username) and (ut.company_name=ct.company_name) and (trl.trans_date >=
current_timestamp-'60days'::interval) and  (tl.shorttype=trl.trans_type) )  
union all  
select  case when trans_type = 'NS' then       ' '  else      case when (hasflag(ut.flags,16) or (current_timestamp -
'1day'::interval <
trl.trans_date)) then           case when trl.trans_data like '%RNF' then               ' '          else
'Free'         end      else          case when trl.trans_data like '%RNF' then               ' '          else
    case when ct.misc_charge = '0'::money then                   'Free'              else ' '              end
end     end  end as " ",  
trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) as "Date",  
case when trl.trans_type = 'NS' then 'Name' else 'Archive: ' || tl.longtype end
as "Type",  
trl.trans_data as "Query Data",  
to_char(trl.trans_charge::float8,'FM$9990D90') as "Charged",  
trl.user_reference_id as "Reference ID"  from trans_log_3 trl, addquerytype tl, user_table ut, company_table ct 
((trl.username='myuser') and  (trl.username=ut.username) and (ut.company_name=ct.company_name) and (trl.trans_date >=
current_timestamp-'60days'::interval) and (tl.querytype=trl.trans_type) )  
union all 
select  case when (fdf is null or fdf='') then       ' '  else      'Free'  end as " ",  
trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) as "Date", 
'FORM: ' || trl.trans_type as "Type", 
trl.trans_data as "Query Data", 
to_char(trl.trans_charge, 'FM$9990D90') as "Charged", 
user_reference_id as "Reference ID" 
from trans_log_4 trl, user_table ut, company_table ct 
((trl.username='myuser') and  (trl.username=ut.username) and (ut.company_name=ct.company_name) and (trl.trans_date >=
current_timestamp-'60days'::interval) ) 
order by 2 desc, 4 LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0;


Limit  (cost=4339.83..4339.83 rows=20 width=158) ->  Sort  (cost=4339.83..4339.83 rows=285 width=158)       ->  Append
(cost=2477.60..4328.19rows=285 width=158)             ->  Subquery Scan *SELECT* 1  (cost=2477.60..2578.56 rows=187
width=157)                   ->  Hash Join  (cost=2477.60..2578.56 rows=187 width=157)                         ->  Seq
Scanon company_table ct  (cost=0.00..80.41
rows=1041 width=32)                         ->  Hash  (cost=2477.13..2477.13 rows=187 width=125)
      ->  Hash Join  (cost=287.56..2477.13 rows=187
width=125)                                     ->  Merge Join  (cost=286.31..2472.14
rows=187 width=102)                                           ->  Index Scan using
tl1_username_idx on trans_log_1 trl  (cost=0.00..2175.39 rows=187 width=59)
-> Sort  (cost=286.31..286.31
rows=3054 width=43)                                                 ->  Seq Scan on user_table ut(cost=0.00..109.54
rows=3054width=43)                                     ->  Hash  (cost=1.20..1.20 rows=20
width=23)                                           ->  Seq Scan on addtypelong tl 
(cost=0.00..1.20 rows=20 width=23)             ->  Subquery Scan *SELECT* 2  (cost=281.39..367.52 rows=16
width=151)                   ->  Hash Join  (cost=281.39..367.52 rows=16 width=151)                         ->  Hash
Join (cost=280.14..365.95 rows=16
width=128)                               ->  Seq Scan on company_table ct 
(cost=0.00..80.41 rows=1041 width=32)                               ->  Hash  (cost=280.10..280.10 rows=16
width=96)                                     ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..280.10
rows=16 width=96)                                           ->  Index Scan using
tl2_username_idx on trans_log_2 trl  (cost=0.00..185.40 rows=16 width=53)                                           ->
IndexScan using
username_unique on user_table ut  (cost=0.00..5.94 rows=1 width=43)                         ->  Hash  (cost=1.20..1.20
rows=20width=23)                               ->  Seq Scan on addtypelong tl 
(cost=0.00..1.20 rows=20 width=23)             ->  Subquery Scan *SELECT* 3  (cost=306.69..393.32 rows=31
width=158)                   ->  Hash Join  (cost=306.69..393.32 rows=31 width=158)                         ->  Hash
Join (cost=305.53..391.53 rows=31
width=134)                               ->  Seq Scan on company_table ct 
(cost=0.00..80.41 rows=1041 width=32)                               ->  Hash  (cost=305.45..305.45 rows=31
width=102)                                     ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..305.45
rows=31 width=102)                                           ->  Seq Scan on trans_log_3 trl 
(cost=0.00..120.01 rows=31 width=59)                                           ->  Index Scan using
username_unique on user_table ut  (cost=0.00..5.94 rows=1 width=43)                         ->  Hash  (cost=1.13..1.13
rows=13width=24)                               ->  Seq Scan on addquerytype tl 
(cost=0.00..1.13 rows=13 width=24)             ->  Subquery Scan *SELECT* 4  (cost=899.92..988.78 rows=51
width=154)                   ->  Hash Join  (cost=899.92..988.78 rows=51 width=154)                         ->  Seq
Scanon company_table ct  (cost=0.00..80.41
rows=1041 width=28)                         ->  Hash  (cost=899.80..899.80 rows=51 width=126)
   ->  Merge Join  (cost=286.31..899.80 rows=51
width=126)                                     ->  Index Scan using tl4_username_idx on
trans_log_4 trl  (cost=0.00..605.08 rows=51 width=87)

... which runs remarkably well ... you'd hate to see the code that generates
the sql.

Here's the view:
create view view_tl_table as
trl.username as "username",
trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) as "trans_date",  
tl.longtype as "longtype",  
trl.trans_data as "trans_data",  
to_char(trl.trans_charge::float8,'FM$9990D90') as "trans_charge",  
trl.user_reference_id as "user_reference_id",
trl.trans_uuid as "trans_uuid",  -- Construct Link to retrieve Record...  case when trl.trans_data like '%RNF' then '�'
 else    case when (      hasflag(ut.flags,1) or       current_timestamp - '1 day'::interval < trl.trans_date or
ct.misc_charge= '0'::money      ) then         '<a href="dispatch.asp?user=' || trl.username || '&cb=' ||
current_timestamp ||         '&id=' || my_encode('addid','id=' || length(trl.trans_uuid) || 'S' ||
trl.trans_uuid) ||         '&date=' ||         trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) || '&type=' || tl.longtype ||
'">Free</a>'       else        '<a href="dispatch.asp?user=' || trl.username || '&cb=' ||
current_timestamp ||         '&id=' || my_encode('addid','id=' || length(trl.trans_uuid) || 'S' ||
trl.trans_uuid) || '&date=' ||         trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) || '&type=' || tl.longtype || '">View for
' ||         to_char(ct.misc_charge::float8,'FM$9990D90') || '</a>'       end   end as "link"
from trans_log_1 trl, addtypelong tl, user_table ut, company_table ct 
where (
(trl.username=ut.username) and 
(ut.company_name=ct.company_name) and 
(trl.trans_date >= current_timestamp-'60 days'::interval) and  
(tl.shorttype=trl.trans_type) )  
union all  
trl.trans_uuid,  -- Construct Link to retrieve Record...  case when trl.trans_data like '%RNF' then '�'   else    case
when(      hasflag(ut.flags,1) or       current_timestamp - '1 day'::interval < trl.trans_date or       ct.misc_charge
='0'::money      ) then         '<a href="dispatch.asp?user=' || trl.username || '&cb=' ||
current_timestamp ||         '&id=' || my_encode('addid','id=' || length(trl.trans_uuid) || 'S' ||
trl.trans_uuid) ||         '&date=' ||         trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) || '&type=' || tl.longtype ||
'">Free</a>'       else        '<a href="dispatch.asp?user=' || trl.username || '&cb=' ||
current_timestamp ||         '&id=' || my_encode('addid','id=' || length(trl.trans_uuid) || 'S' ||
trl.trans_uuid) || '&date=' ||         trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) || '&type=' || tl.longtype || '">View for
' ||         to_char(ct.misc_charge::float8,'FM$9990D90') || '</a>'       end   end 
from trans_log_2 trl, addtypelong tl, user_table ut, company_table ct 
where ((trl.username=ut.username) and (ut.company_name=ct.company_name) and (trl.trans_date >= current_timestamp-'60
days'::interval)and  (tl.shorttype=trl.trans_type) ) 
union all  
case when trl.trans_type = 'NS' then 'Name' else 'Archive: ' || tl.longtype
null, case when trans_type = 'NS' or trl.trans_data like '%RNF' then    '�'  else    case when (
hasflag(ut.flags,1)or      current_timestamp - '1 day'::interval < trl.trans_date or      ct.misc_charge = '0'::money
  ) then          '<a href="dispatch.asp?user=' || trl.username || '&cb=' ||
current_timestamp ||         '&id=' || my_encode('addid','id=' || length( || 'S' ||
||         '&date=' ||  trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) || '&type=' || tl.longtype
|| '">Free</a>'    end  end
from trans_log_3 trl, addquerytype tl, user_table ut, company_table ct 
where ((trl.username=ut.username) and (ut.company_name=ct.company_name) and (trl.trans_date >= current_timestamp-'60
days'::interval)and (tl.querytype=trl.trans_type) )  
union all 
'FORM: ' || trl.trans_type, 
to_char(trl.trans_charge, 'FM$9990D90'), 
null, case when (fdf is null or fdf='') then       '�'  else      '<a href="dispatch.asp?user=' || trl.username ||
'&cb='|| current_timestamp
|| '&date=' ||              trl.trans_date::timestamp(0) || '&type=form" target="_blank">Free</a>'  end
from trans_log_4 trl, user_table ut, company_table ct 
where ((trl.username=ut.username) and (ut.company_name=ct.company_name) and (trl.trans_date >= current_timestamp-'60
order by 2 desc, 4;

explain select * from view_tl_table where username='myuser' limit 20 offset 0;

Limit  (cost=97732.57..97732.57 rows=20 width=169) ->  Subquery Scan view_tl_table  (cost=97732.57..97732.57
width=169)       ->  Sort  (cost=97732.57..97732.57 rows=221099 width=169)             ->  Append
(cost=254.88..37205.21rows=221099 width=169)                   ->  Subquery Scan *SELECT* 1  (cost=254.88..30026.35
rows=188853 width=169)                         ->  Hash Join  (cost=254.88..30026.35 rows=188853
width=169)                               ->  Hash Join  (cost=253.63..26248.03
rows=188853 width=146)                                     ->  Seq Scan on trans_log_1 trl 
(cost=0.00..21745.20 rows=188853 width=71)                                     ->  Hash  (cost=246.00..246.00
width=75)                                           ->  Hash Join  (cost=83.01..246.00
rows=3054 width=75)                                                 ->  Seq Scan on user_table ut(cost=0.00..109.54
rows=3054width=43)                                                 ->  Hash  (cost=80.41..80.41
rows=1041 width=32)                                                       ->  Seq Scan on
company_table ct  (cost=0.00..80.41 rows=1041 width=32)                               ->  Hash  (cost=1.20..1.20
rows=20width=23)                                     ->  Seq Scan on addtypelong tl 
(cost=0.00..1.20 rows=20 width=23)                   ->  Subquery Scan *SELECT* 2  (cost=254.88..2155.90
rows=12312 width=167)                         ->  Hash Join  (cost=254.88..2155.90 rows=12312
width=167)                               ->  Hash Join  (cost=253.63..1908.40 rows=12312
width=144)                                     ->  Seq Scan on trans_log_2 trl 
(cost=0.00..1377.74 rows=12312 width=69)                                     ->  Hash  (cost=246.00..246.00 rows=3054
width=75)                                           ->  Hash Join  (cost=83.01..246.00
rows=3054 width=75)                                                 ->  Seq Scan on user_table ut(cost=0.00..109.54
rows=3054width=43)                                                 ->  Hash  (cost=80.41..80.41
rows=1041 width=32)                                                       ->  Seq Scan on
company_table ct  (cost=0.00..80.41 rows=1041 width=32)                               ->  Hash  (cost=1.20..1.20
rows=20width=23)                                     ->  Seq Scan on addtypelong tl 
(cost=0.00..1.20 rows=20 width=23)                   ->  Subquery Scan *SELECT* 3  (cost=240.60..419.72
rows=1126 width=154)                         ->  Hash Join  (cost=240.60..419.72 rows=1126
width=154)                               ->  Hash Join  (cost=157.59..317.00 rows=1126
width=122)                                     ->  Hash Join  (cost=1.16..135.24
rows=1126 width=79)                                           ->  Seq Scan on trans_log_3 trl 
(cost=0.00..111.56 rows=1126 width=55)                                           ->  Hash  (cost=1.13..1.13 rows=13
width=24)                                                 ->  Seq Scan on addquerytype
tl  (cost=0.00..1.13 rows=13 width=24)                                     ->  Hash  (cost=109.54..109.54 rows=3054
width=43)                                           ->  Seq Scan on user_table ut 
(cost=0.00..109.54 rows=3054 width=43)                               ->  Hash  (cost=80.41..80.41 rows=1041
width=32)                                     ->  Seq Scan on company_table ct 
(cost=0.00..80.41 rows=1041 width=32)                   ->  Subquery Scan *SELECT* 4  (cost=253.63..4603.25
rows=18808 width=154)                         ->  Hash Join  (cost=253.63..4603.25 rows=18808
width=154)                               ->  Seq Scan on trans_log_4 trl 
(cost=0.00..3973.46 rows=18808 width=87)                               ->  Hash  (cost=246.00..246.00 rows=3054
width=67)                                     ->  Hash Join  (cost=83.01..246.00
rows=3054 width=67)                                           ->  Seq Scan on user_table ut 
(cost=0.00..109.54 rows=3054 width=39)                                           ->  Hash  (cost=80.41..80.41
rows=1041 width=28)                                                 ->  Seq Scan on company_table
ct  (cost=0.00..80.41 rows=1041 width=28)


... And that's the whole thing! Phew! Ack!


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Re: Using VIEW to simplify code...

Stephan Szabo

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Chris Gamache wrote:

> > If you want help, you must provide details.  The PG version number is
> > relevant also.
> Understood. PostgreSQL 7.2.3.

7.3 will be better for this. There were questions about the safety
of pushing clauses down in queries with union and intersect and
earlier versions wouldn't push down because we weren't sure it was
safe.  Except will still be problematic, but union and intersect should be
much happier.

Re: Using VIEW to simplify code...

Tom Lane
Stephan Szabo <> writes:
> On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Chris Gamache wrote:
>> Understood. PostgreSQL 7.2.3.

> 7.3 will be better for this. There were questions about the safety
> of pushing clauses down in queries with union and intersect and
> earlier versions wouldn't push down because we weren't sure it was
> safe.  Except will still be problematic, but union and intersect should be
> much happier.

Yeah, the UNIONs in the view are definitely the big problem.  Can you
try on 7.3rc1 and see how it goes?
        regards, tom lane

Re: Using VIEW to simplify code...

Chris Gamache
--- Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Stephan Szabo <> writes:
> > On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Chris Gamache wrote:
> >> Understood. PostgreSQL 7.2.3.
> > 7.3 will be better for this. There were questions about the safety
> > of pushing clauses down in queries with union and intersect and
> > earlier versions wouldn't push down because we weren't sure it was
> > safe.  Except will still be problematic, but union and intersect should be
> > much happier.
> Yeah, the UNIONs in the view are definitely the big problem.  Can you
> try on 7.3rc1 and see how it goes?

That's something to look forward to! I'm going to have to hold off upgrading
until y'all feel like 7.3rc1 should become 7.3.0. I wish we had a development
environment to use, but we don't.  I'll let you know how things fare after


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