Thread: Passing OLD/NEW as composite type PL/PGSQL

Passing OLD/NEW as composite type PL/PGSQL

Ludwig Lim
  Can I pass the the variables OLD and NEW (type
OPAQUE) to another function is expecting a composite
type as parameter?
  Are opaque considered as composite type?

Thank you in advance,


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Re: Passing OLD/NEW as composite type PL/PGSQL

Christoph Haller
>    Can I pass the the variables OLD and NEW (type
> OPAQUE) to another function is expecting a composite
> type as parameter?
>    Are opaque considered as composite type?
Did you receive any other response?
Did you check if it works by simply trying?
As far as I understand the documentation,
OPAQUE can be considered (among others) as composite type.

If it's not working, did you think of copying the OLD resp. NEW
to a rowtype variable?

I am thinking of something like this
(taken from the Trigger Procedure Example within the documentation)

CREATE TABLE emp (      empname text,      salary integer,      last_date timestamp,      last_user text  );
CREATE FUNCTION process_old_emp_row(emp%ROWTYPE) RETURNS ... ;
CREATE FUNCTION process_new_emp_row(emp%ROWTYPE) RETURNS ... ;
  CREATE FUNCTION emp_stamp () RETURNS OPAQUE AS '      DECLARE       old_emp_row emp%ROWTYPE;       new_emp_row
emp%ROWTYPE;     BEGIN          -- copy OLD to old_emp_row, call process_old_emp_row          old_emp_row.empname :=
OLD.empname;         old_emp_row.salary := OLD.salary;          old_emp_row.last_date := OLD.last_date;
old_emp_row.last_user:= OLD.last_user;          process_old_emp_row(old_emp_row);
          -- Check that empname and salary are given          IF NEW.empname ISNULL THEN              RAISE EXCEPTION
''empnamecannot be NULL value'';          END IF;          IF NEW.salary ISNULL THEN              RAISE EXCEPTION ''%
cannothave NULL salary'',
NEW.empname;          END IF;
          -- Who works for us when she must pay for?          IF NEW.salary < 0 THEN              RAISE EXCEPTION ''%
cannothave a negative salary'',
NEW.empname;          END IF;
          -- Remember who changed the payroll when          NEW.last_date := ''now'';          NEW.last_user :=
          -- copy NEW to new_emp_row, call process_new_emp_row          new_emp_row.empname := NEW.empname;
new_emp_row.salary:= NEW.salary;          new_emp_row.last_date := NEW.last_date;          new_emp_row.last_user :=
NEW.last_user;         process_new_emp_row(new_emp_row);
          RETURN NEW;      END;  ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Regards, Christoph