Thread: sql subqueries problem

sql subqueries problem

Mathieu Arnold

I have my accounting in a database, and I have a problem with subqueries,
here is what I have :

SELECT   f.numero,        f.id_client,        f.date_creation,        (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||'
AS echeance,        f.montant_ttc,        ROUND(CASE WHEN remise IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE remise END - CASE WHEN
facture IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE facture END,2) AS solde,        CASE WHEN (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||'
days')::interval)::date < 'now'::date          THEN round(f.montant_ttc * 10 / 100 * ('now'::date -
(f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||' days')::interval)::date)::int /
365, 2)          ELSE NULL        END AS penalite
FROM   facture AS f      JOIN (SELECT   ff.id_client,                     SUM(ff.montant_ttc / df.taux) AS facture
     FROM   facture AS ff                   JOIN devise AS df USING (id_devise)            GROUP BY   ff.id_client
    ) AS fff USING (id_client)      LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT   rr.id_client,
SUM(rr.montant/ dr.taux) AS remise                       FROM   remise AS rr                              JOIN devise
ASdr USING (id_devise)                       GROUP BY   rr.id_client                      ) AS rrr USING (id_client)
facture IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE facture END,2) < 0
GROUP BY   f.numero, f.date_creation, f.date_creation +
(f.echeance_paiement||' days')::interval, f.id_client, f.montant_ttc,
rrr.remise, fff.facture
ORDER BY   f.id_client, f.numero
                Table "facture"     Column       |         Type          
-------------------+-----------------------id_facture        | integer               date_creation     | date
      date_modif        | date                  echeance_paiement | integer               id_client         | integer
           id_devise         | integer               genere            | integer               montant_ht        |
doubleprecision      montant_tva       | double precision      montant_ttc       | double precision
solde_anterieur  | double precision      total_a_payer     | double precision      numero            | character
varying(15)ref               | character varying(60) responsable       | character varying(60) contact           |
charactervarying(60) num_tva           | character varying(60) adresse           | text                  pied
  | text                  commentaire       | text                  email             | text
  Table "remise"    Column     |       Type       
----------------+------------------id_remise      | integer          date_paiement  | date             date_remise    |
date            id_client      | integer          id_type_remise | integer          id_devise      | integer
id_banque     | integer          montant        | double precision commentaire    | text                      Table
"devise"Column   |         Type          
-----------+-----------------------id_devise | integer               taux      | double precision      devise    |
charactervarying(30) symbole   | character varying(15) 

It finds the invoices (facture) from my customers who forgot to pay me.
but, the probem is that it gives me all the invoices and not only the ones
which are not paid, so, I wanted to add something like :
WHERE   ff.date_creation <= f.date_creation
in the first subselect, and
WHERE   rr.date_paiement <= f.date_creation
in the second subselect, but I can't because postgresql does not seem to be
able to do it. Any idea ?

Mathieu Arnold

Re: sql subqueries problem

Stephan Szabo
On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Mathieu Arnold wrote:

> Hi
> I have my accounting in a database, and I have a problem with subqueries,
> here is what I have :
> SELECT   f.numero,
>          f.id_client,
>          f.date_creation,
>          (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||' days')::interval)::date
> AS echeance,
>          f.montant_ttc,
>          ROUND(CASE WHEN remise IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE remise END - CASE WHEN
> facture IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE facture END,2) AS solde,
>          CASE WHEN (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||'
> days')::interval)::date < 'now'::date
>            THEN round(f.montant_ttc * 10 / 100 * ('now'::date -
> (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||' days')::interval)::date)::int /
> 365, 2)
>            ELSE NULL
>          END AS penalite
> FROM   facture AS f
>        JOIN (SELECT   ff.id_client,
>                       SUM(ff.montant_ttc / df.taux) AS facture
>              FROM   facture AS ff
>                     JOIN devise AS df USING (id_devise)
>              GROUP BY   ff.id_client
>             ) AS fff USING (id_client)
>        LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT   rr.id_client,
>                                  SUM(rr.montant / dr.taux) AS remise
>                         FROM   remise AS rr
>                                JOIN devise AS dr USING (id_devise)
>                         GROUP BY   rr.id_client
>                        ) AS rrr USING (id_client)
> facture IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE facture END,2) < 0
> GROUP BY   f.numero, f.date_creation, f.date_creation +
> (f.echeance_paiement||' days')::interval, f.id_client, f.montant_ttc,
> rrr.remise, fff.facture
> ORDER BY   f.id_client, f.numero
>                  Table "facture"
>       Column       |         Type
> -------------------+-----------------------
>  id_facture        | integer
>  date_creation     | date
>  date_modif        | date
>  echeance_paiement | integer
>  id_client         | integer
>  id_devise         | integer
>  genere            | integer
>  montant_ht        | double precision
>  montant_tva       | double precision
>  montant_ttc       | double precision
>  solde_anterieur   | double precision
>  total_a_payer     | double precision
>  numero            | character varying(15)
>  ref               | character varying(60)
>  responsable       | character varying(60)
>  contact           | character varying(60)
>  num_tva           | character varying(60)
>  adresse           | text
>  pied              | text
>  commentaire       | text
>  email             | text
>               Table "remise"
>      Column     |       Type
> ----------------+------------------
>  id_remise      | integer
>  date_paiement  | date
>  date_remise    | date
>  id_client      | integer
>  id_type_remise | integer
>  id_devise      | integer
>  id_banque      | integer
>  montant        | double precision
>  commentaire    | text
>           Table "devise"
>   Column   |         Type
> -----------+-----------------------
>  id_devise | integer
>  taux      | double precision
>  devise    | character varying(30)
>  symbole   | character varying(15)
> It finds the invoices (facture) from my customers who forgot to pay me.
> but, the probem is that it gives me all the invoices and not only the ones
> which are not paid, so, I wanted to add something like :
> WHERE   ff.date_creation <= f.date_creation
> in the first subselect, and
> WHERE   rr.date_paiement <= f.date_creation
> in the second subselect, but I can't because postgresql does not seem to be
> able to do it. Any idea ?

I don't think f is in scope on those subqueries.
Can you put the clauses on the outer where or as part of the
join conditions?

Re: sql subqueries problem

Mathieu Arnold

--On lundi 19 août 2002 09:45 -0700 Stephan Szabo
<> wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have my accounting in a database, and I have a problem with subqueries,
>> here is what I have :
>> SELECT   f.numero,
>>          f.id_client,
>>          f.date_creation,
>>          (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||'
>>          days')::interval)::date AS echeance,
>>          f.montant_ttc,
>>          ROUND(CASE WHEN remise IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE remise END - CASE
>>          WHEN facture IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE facture END,2) AS solde,
>>          CASE WHEN (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||'
>> days')::interval)::date < 'now'::date
>>            THEN round(f.montant_ttc * 10 / 100 * ('now'::date -
>> (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||' days')::interval)::date)::int
>> / 365, 2)
>>            ELSE NULL
>>          END AS penalite
>> FROM   facture AS f
>>        JOIN (SELECT   ff.id_client,
>>                       SUM(ff.montant_ttc / df.taux) AS facture
>>              FROM   facture AS ff
>>                     JOIN devise AS df USING (id_devise)
>>              GROUP BY   ff.id_client
>>             ) AS fff USING (id_client)
>>        LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT   rr.id_client,
>>                                  SUM(rr.montant / dr.taux) AS remise
>>                         FROM   remise AS rr
>>                                JOIN devise AS dr USING (id_devise)
>>                         GROUP BY   rr.id_client
>>                        ) AS rrr USING (id_client)
>> facture IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE facture END,2) < 0
>> GROUP BY   f.numero, f.date_creation, f.date_creation +
>> (f.echeance_paiement||' days')::interval, f.id_client, f.montant_ttc,
>> rrr.remise, fff.facture
>> ORDER BY   f.id_client, f.numero
>>                  Table "facture"
>>       Column       |         Type
>> -------------------+-----------------------
>>  id_facture        | integer
>>  date_creation     | date
>>  date_modif        | date
>>  echeance_paiement | integer
>>  id_client         | integer
>>  id_devise         | integer
>>  genere            | integer
>>  montant_ht        | double precision
>>  montant_tva       | double precision
>>  montant_ttc       | double precision
>>  solde_anterieur   | double precision
>>  total_a_payer     | double precision
>>  numero            | character varying(15)
>>  ref               | character varying(60)
>>  responsable       | character varying(60)
>>  contact           | character varying(60)
>>  num_tva           | character varying(60)
>>  adresse           | text
>>  pied              | text
>>  commentaire       | text
>>  email             | text
>>               Table "remise"
>>      Column     |       Type
>> ----------------+------------------
>>  id_remise      | integer
>>  date_paiement  | date
>>  date_remise    | date
>>  id_client      | integer
>>  id_type_remise | integer
>>  id_devise      | integer
>>  id_banque      | integer
>>  montant        | double precision
>>  commentaire    | text
>>           Table "devise"
>>   Column   |         Type
>> -----------+-----------------------
>>  id_devise | integer
>>  taux      | double precision
>>  devise    | character varying(30)
>>  symbole   | character varying(15)
>> It finds the invoices (facture) from my customers who forgot to pay me.
>> but, the probem is that it gives me all the invoices and not only the
>> ones which are not paid, so, I wanted to add something like :
>> WHERE   ff.date_creation <= f.date_creation
>> in the first subselect, and
>> WHERE   rr.date_paiement <= f.date_creation
>> in the second subselect, but I can't because postgresql does not seem to
>> be able to do it. Any idea ?
> I don't think f is in scope on those subqueries.
> Can you put the clauses on the outer where or as part of the
> join conditions?

I've tried, but, as the subselect is an aggregate, I can't get it (maybe I
don't know enough about it to do it :)

Mathieu Arnold

bulk imports with sequence

"Aaron Held"
I am importing a large number of records monthly using the \copy (from text file)command.

I would like to use a sequence as a unique row ID for display in my app.

Is there any way to let postgresql generate the sequence itself.  Currently the only way I
can make it work is to grab the next seq value and insert my own numbers into the file

Thank You,
-Aaron Held

Re: bulk imports with sequence

"Dan Langille"
On 20 Aug 2002 at 7:55, Aaron Held wrote:

> I am importing a large number of records monthly using the \copy (from
> text file)command.
> I would like to use a sequence as a unique row ID for display in my
> app.
> Is there any way to let postgresql generate the sequence itself. 
> Currently the only way I can make it work is to grab the next seq
> value and insert my own numbers into the file


create sequence mytable_id_seq;
alter table mytable alter column id set default 
Dan Langille
I'm looking for a computer job:

Re: sql subqueries problem

Stephan Szabo
On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Mathieu Arnold wrote:

> --On lundi 19 ao�t 2002 09:45 -0700 Stephan Szabo
> <> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> >
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> I have my accounting in a database, and I have a problem with subqueries,
> >> here is what I have :
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> SELECT   f.numero,
> >>          f.id_client,
> >>          f.date_creation,
> >>          (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||'
> >>          days')::interval)::date AS echeance,
> >>          f.montant_ttc,
> >>          ROUND(CASE WHEN remise IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE remise END - CASE
> >>          WHEN facture IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE facture END,2) AS solde,
> >>          CASE WHEN (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||'
> >> days')::interval)::date < 'now'::date
> >>            THEN round(f.montant_ttc * 10 / 100 * ('now'::date -
> >> (f.date_creation + (f.echeance_paiement||' days')::interval)::date)::int
> >> / 365, 2)
> >>            ELSE NULL
> >>          END AS penalite
> >> FROM   facture AS f
> >>        JOIN (SELECT   ff.id_client,
> >>                       SUM(ff.montant_ttc / df.taux) AS facture
> >>              FROM   facture AS ff
> >>                     JOIN devise AS df USING (id_devise)
> >>              GROUP BY   ff.id_client
> >>             ) AS fff USING (id_client)
> >>        LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT   rr.id_client,
> >>                                  SUM(rr.montant / dr.taux) AS remise
> >>                         FROM   remise AS rr
> >>                                JOIN devise AS dr USING (id_devise)
> >>                         GROUP BY   rr.id_client
> >>                        ) AS rrr USING (id_client)
> >> facture IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE facture END,2) < 0
> >> GROUP BY   f.numero, f.date_creation, f.date_creation +
> >> (f.echeance_paiement||' days')::interval, f.id_client, f.montant_ttc,
> >> rrr.remise, fff.facture
> >> ORDER BY   f.id_client, f.numero
> >>
> >>                  Table "facture"
> >>       Column       |         Type
> >> -------------------+-----------------------
> >>  id_facture        | integer
> >>  date_creation     | date
> >>  date_modif        | date
> >>  echeance_paiement | integer
> >>  id_client         | integer
> >>  id_devise         | integer
> >>  genere            | integer
> >>  montant_ht        | double precision
> >>  montant_tva       | double precision
> >>  montant_ttc       | double precision
> >>  solde_anterieur   | double precision
> >>  total_a_payer     | double precision
> >>  numero            | character varying(15)
> >>  ref               | character varying(60)
> >>  responsable       | character varying(60)
> >>  contact           | character varying(60)
> >>  num_tva           | character varying(60)
> >>  adresse           | text
> >>  pied              | text
> >>  commentaire       | text
> >>  email             | text
> >>               Table "remise"
> >>      Column     |       Type
> >> ----------------+------------------
> >>  id_remise      | integer
> >>  date_paiement  | date
> >>  date_remise    | date
> >>  id_client      | integer
> >>  id_type_remise | integer
> >>  id_devise      | integer
> >>  id_banque      | integer
> >>  montant        | double precision
> >>  commentaire    | text
> >>           Table "devise"
> >>   Column   |         Type
> >> -----------+-----------------------
> >>  id_devise | integer
> >>  taux      | double precision
> >>  devise    | character varying(30)
> >>  symbole   | character varying(15)
> >>
> >> It finds the invoices (facture) from my customers who forgot to pay me.
> >> but, the probem is that it gives me all the invoices and not only the
> >> ones which are not paid, so, I wanted to add something like :
> >> WHERE   ff.date_creation <= f.date_creation
> >> in the first subselect, and
> >> WHERE   rr.date_paiement <= f.date_creation
> >> in the second subselect, but I can't because postgresql does not seem to
> >> be able to do it. Any idea ?
> >
> > I don't think f is in scope on those subqueries.
> > Can you put the clauses on the outer where or as part of the
> > join conditions?
> >
> I've tried, but, as the subselect is an aggregate, I can't get it (maybe I
> don't know enough about it to do it :)

Right, that'd make it harder. :)

Hmm, would something like:

(select *, (select sum(ff.montant_ttc/df.taux) from facture ff join   devise as df using (id_devise) where
ff.date_creation<=    f.date_creation and ff.id_client=f.id_client    group by ff.id_client) as facture, (select
sum(rr.montant/dr.taux)from remise as rr join   devise as dr using (id_devise) where rr.date_paiement <=
f.date_creationand rr.id_client=f.id_client    group by rr.id_client) as remiseFrom facture f 

give you something closer to what you want?

Re: bulk imports with sequence

Tom Lane
"Aaron Held" <> writes:
> I am importing a large number of records monthly using the \copy (from text file)command.
> I would like to use a sequence as a unique row ID for display in my app.
> Is there any way to let postgresql generate the sequence itself.  Currently the only way I
> can make it work is to grab the next seq value and insert my own numbers into the file

Right now the only reasonable way to do that is to do the \copy into a
temporary table (that's missing the sequence column) and then doinsert into realtable(column list) select * from
where the column list lists the columns you're pulling from the temp
table.  The INSERT will substitute the default value (viz, nextval())
in the sequence column.

In 7.3 it'll be possible to do this in one step with no temp table:
COPY will accept a column list, so you can get the same effect just
with COPY.
        regards, tom lane

Re: sql subqueries problem

Mathieu Arnold
>> I've tried, but, as the subselect is an aggregate, I can't get it (maybe
>> I don't know enough about it to do it :)
> Right, that'd make it harder. :)
> Hmm, would something like:
> (select *,
>   (select sum(ff.montant_ttc/df.taux) from facture ff join
>     devise as df using (id_devise) where ff.date_creation <=
>      f.date_creation and ff.id_client=f.id_client
>      group by ff.id_client) as facture,
>   (select sum(rr.montant/dr.taux) from remise as rr join
>     devise as dr using (id_devise) where rr.date_paiement <=
>      f.date_creation and rr.id_client=f.id_client
>      group by rr.id_client) as remise
>  From facture f
> );
> give you something closer to what you want?

that's exactly it, I guess that I was not twisted enough for that one :)

Mathieu Arnold