Thread: PostgreSQL Cookbook update

PostgreSQL Cookbook update

Roberto Mello
Hi all,

I received e-mail that indicated that some members of the community
thought I had lost interest in the PostgreSQL Cookbook. This is not so,
and I'm sending this e-mail to clear up the situation and give an update
to the community.

The PostgreSQL Cookbook is something I'd really like to get more
attention, but that I haven't had much time to work on. As of last week, I
was able to start working on an upgrade to the cookbook along with an
upgrade to my personal site.

I should release the new Cookbook, with many more features that will make it
better for users, later this week. After it's released, I'd like to get
help from some members of the community to moderate it, and also add more
functions to it. Perhaps we could even extend the cookbook to tips


-Roberto Mello

+----| USU Free Software & GNU/Linux Club |------+ Roberto Mello - Computer Science, USU - - Space Dynamics Lab, Developer    
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