Thread: Timestamp with time zone problem

Timestamp with time zone problem

Aguinaldo Fagundes Junior
Hello all!

I'm trying to insert a record in a 'timestamp with time zone' field but i
get an erro message:

ERROR:  to_timestamp(): TZ/tz not supported.

My used sql command is: 

insert into raddb values('', 'Async', 'Nameteste', 'called','calling','Stop', 'Login-user', 'session-id',
to_timestamp('14:11:58.107UTC Fri Mar 8 2002','HH24:MI:SS.MS TZ Dy Mon DD
YYYY')  );

and my table is described as:

1 nas_ip_address      | character varying(30)    |
2 nas_port_type       | character varying(30)    |
3 user_name           | character varying(30)    |
4 called_station_id   | character varying(30)    |
5 calling_station_id  | character varying(30)    |
6 acct_status_type    | character varying(30)    |
7 service_type        | character varying(30)    |
8 session_id          | character varying(30)    |
9 call_leg_setup_time | timestamp with time zone |
10 gateway_id          | character varying(50)    |
11 connection_id       | character varying(50)    |
12 call_origin         | character varying(30)    |
13 call_type           | character varying(30)    |
14 connect_time        | timestamp with time zone |
15 disconnect_time     | timestamp with time zone |
16 disconnect_cause    | character varying(30)    |
17 remote_ip_address   | character varying(30)    |
18 acct_input_octets   | integer                  |
19 acct_output_octets  | integer                  |
20 acct_input_packets  | integer                  |
21 acct_output_packets | integer                  |
22 acct_session_time   | integer                  |
23 acct_delay_time     | integer                  |
24 client_ip_address   | character varying(30)    |

I'm using postgres 7.2.0 but in 7.1.3 I got the same result.

What can be wrong in this statement? Can anybody help me?