Thread: [CHALLANGE] Add seconds to a date

[CHALLANGE] Add seconds to a date

From (panjas51)
I tried to make a PLSQL (oracle) function in order to add some seconds
to a specified date:

Let's take a exemple:
New_date=sec2date(#2002-02-02#, 100),
this should add 100 seconds to the entered date:
this should then return "2002-02-02 00:01:40".

Attention to the lead year.

If any one wants to take this challage or propose some quick wins

Re: [CHALLANGE] Add seconds to a date

Frank Bax
PGSQL has this functionality built-in, but it is implemented with
operators, not functions:

select '2002-2-2'::date  +  '100sec'::interval;       ?column?
------------------------2002-02-02 00:01:40-05
(1 row)

If you *must* have a function, try:
CREATE FUNCTION "sec2date" (date, interval) RETURNS timestamp   AS 'select $1 + $2' LANGUAGE 'SQL';

select sec2date('2002-2-2','100sec');       sec2date
------------------------2002-02-02 00:01:40-05
(1 row)

At 08:16 AM 2/25/02 -0800, panjas51 wrote:
>I tried to make a PLSQL (oracle) function in order to add some seconds
>to a specified date:
>Let's take a exemple:
>New_date=sec2date(#2002-02-02#, 100),
>this should add 100 seconds to the entered date:
>this should then return "2002-02-02 00:01:40".
>Attention to the lead year.
>If any one wants to take this challage or propose some quick wins