Hi all.
Does the problem of accessing an whole inheritance's tree via foreign key resolved?
The problem is: in next example an insert into table roaming will fail. Can I solve it anyway?Without foreign keys on
parenttables IMHO inheritance is meaningless...
Dedov Anton
create table devs ( devid int, owner int, devtype varchar,
primary key (devid) --,-- foreign key (owner) references ab,-- foreign key (devtype) references devtypes
create table roaming ( dev int, node int, validto timestamp,
primary key (dev, node), foreign key (dev) references devs --,-- foreign key (node) references nodes
create table devs_pocsag ( capcod int unique not null check (capcod > 0), subcod int not null check (subcod >= 0),
speed int not null, freq float4 not null, ptype varchar not null, is_inv boolean default 'f',
primary key (devid) --,
-- foreign key (speed) references pocsag_speeds,
-- foreign key (ptype) references pocsag_ptypes,
-- foreign key (freq) references pocsag_freqs
) inherits (devs);
select * from devs_pocsag;devid | owner | devtype | capcod | subcod | speed | freq | ptype | is_inv
-------+--------+---------+--------+--------+-------+-------+------------+-------- 0 | 240008 | POCSAG | 240008 |
0 | 1200 | 159.2 | Millennium | f
insert into roaming (dev,node) values (0,95);
ERROR: <unnamed> referential integrity violation - key referenced from roaming not found in devs