Thread: Passing a list of pairs to a PL/PGSQL function

Passing a list of pairs to a PL/PGSQL function

David Stanaway
I am scratching my head at a neat way of doing an update function for my 

-- Here is a sketch schema

CREATE TABLE item ( itemid serial, PRIMARY KEY (itemid)

CREATE TABLE property ( propertyid serial, prName text, UNIQUE(prName), PRIMARY KEY(propertyid)

CREATE TABLE itemproperty ( itempropertyid serial, ipItemid int REFERENCES item(itemid), ipPropertyid int REFERENCES
property(propertyid),ipValue text, UNIQUE(ipItemid,ipPropertyid), PRIMARY KEY(itempropertyid)

-- Sample data

INSERT INTO property (prname) VALUES('name');
INSERT INTO property (prname) VALUES('rank');
INSERT INTO property (prname) VALUES('serial');
INSERT INTO item (itemid) VALUES(nextval('item_itemid_seq'));
INSERT INTO itemproperty (ipItemid,ipPropertyid,ipValue)SELECT currval('item_itemid_seq'),propertyid,'John Wayne'FROM
propertyWHERE prname = 'name';
INSERT INTO itemproperty (ipItemid,ipPropertyid,ipValue)SELECT currval('item_itemid_seq'),propertyid,'XP453-2421'FROM
propertyWHERE prname = 'serial';

I want to write a function that will update itemproperty with a new set 
of property name/value pairs.
Any new property name's that appear should be inserted, any old propery 
names that no longer appear should be deleted, and any existing values 
should be updated.

I am not quite sure where to start.

If I have an update function that takes (int,text,text) as args where $1 
is itemid, $2 is a list of comer separated prnames and $3 is a list of 
comer separated ipvalues, then I can do the Delete okay, but the insert 
and update become difficult.

If I have an update function that takes (int,text[][]) as args where $2 
is an array of prname,ipvalue pairs then the update is easy, but the 
delete and insert become harder I think.

Which route is more promising?

Best Regards
David Stanaway
Technology Manager
Australia's Premier Internet Broadcasters
Phone: +612 9357 1699
Fax: +612 9357 1169
The Inspire Foundation is proudly supported by Net Ventures through the 
provision of streaming solutions for it's national centres.  The Inspire 
Foundation is an Internet-based foundation that inspires young people to 
help themselves, get involved and get online. Please visit Inspire at

Re: Passing a list of pairs to a PL/PGSQL function

David Stanaway
On Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 12:47  PM, chester c young wrote:

> might be missing something here, but why don't you truncate the table,
> insert from the list, and you're done.

Thats what I do at the moment (But not in a function), however I am 
burning through the oid's and itemproperty_itempropertyid_seq. Its not 
really a big deal I know. I just thought that it would be better to 
update existing records where possible.

Asuming I do make a function


What would be the best structure to pass in pairs of values for the 

With text[][], I am not sure how to expand that into a set of pairs for 

David Stanaway

Re: Passing a list of pairs to a PL/PGSQL function

David Stanaway
On Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 02:17  PM, chester c young wrote:
> What kind of conservationist are you - trying to save oids and
> sequences?  What about CPU cycles?  To say nothing of brain cycles!  Go
> save some kangaroos! :)

HeHe,  okay okay, I give up on the conservation of oids and sequences.  
I still have the problem of passing the set of pairs to the function 
that will do something like this:

CREATE FUNCTION edititemproperty(int,text[][])
AS 'DECLARE itemid ALIAS FOR $1; pairs  ALIAS FOR $2; result int;BEGIN    DELETE FROM itemproperty WHERE ipItemid =
itemid;           INSERT INTO itemproperty (ipItemid,ipPropertyid,ipValue)                SELECT itemid, propertyid,
pairs[:][2]FROM property WHERE 
prName = pairs[:][1];    GET DIAGNOSTICS result = ROW_COUNT;    RETURN result;END;'
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

But my array syntax is wrong  ...

Here is my schema from earlier

-- Here is a sketch schema

CREATE TABLE item ( itemid serial, PRIMARY KEY (itemid)

CREATE TABLE property ( propertyid serial, prName text, UNIQUE(prName), PRIMARY KEY(propertyid)

CREATE TABLE itemproperty ( itempropertyid serial, ipItemid int REFERENCES item(itemid), ipPropertyid int REFERENCES
property(propertyid),ipValue text, UNIQUE(ipItemid,ipPropertyid), PRIMARY KEY(itempropertyid)

-- Sample data

INSERT INTO property (prname) VALUES('name');
INSERT INTO property (prname) VALUES('rank');
INSERT INTO property (prname) VALUES('serial');
INSERT INTO item (itemid) VALUES(nextval('item_itemid_seq'));
INSERT INTO itemproperty (ipItemid,ipPropertyid,ipValue)SELECT currval('item_itemid_seq'),propertyid,'John Wayne'FROM
propertyWHERE prname = 'name';
INSERT INTO itemproperty (ipItemid,ipPropertyid,ipValue)SELECT currval('item_itemid_seq'),propertyid,'XP453-2421'FROM
propertyWHERE prname = 'serial';

David Stanaway

Re: Passing a list of pairs to a PL/PGSQL function

David Stanaway
On Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 03:05  PM, David Stanaway wrote:

> On Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 02:17  PM, chester c young wrote:
>> What kind of conservationist are you - trying to save oids and
>> sequences?  What about CPU cycles?  To say nothing of brain cycles!  Go
>> save some kangaroos! :)
> HeHe,  okay okay, I give up on the conservation of oids and sequences.  
> I still have the problem of passing the set of pairs to the function 
> that will do something like this:
> CREATE FUNCTION edititemproperty(int,text[][])
> RETURN int
>      itemid ALIAS FOR $1;
>      pairs  ALIAS FOR $2;
>      result int;
>     BEGIN
>         DELETE FROM itemproperty WHERE ipItemid = itemid;
>             INSERT INTO itemproperty (ipItemid,ipPropertyid,ipValue)
>                 SELECT itemid, propertyid, pairs[:][2] FROM property 
> WHERE prName = pairs[:][1];
>         GET DIAGNOSTICS result = ROW_COUNT;
>         RETURN result;
>     END;'
> LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

This functions works:

Is there a better way?

CREATE FUNCTION edititemproperty(int,text[][])
AS 'DECLARE         itemid ALIAS FOR $1;         pairs  ALIAS FOR $2;         result int;         rc int;         i
int;   BEGIN        result := 0;        i := 1;        DELETE FROM itemproperty WHERE ipItemid = itemid;        WHILE
pairs[i][1]!= '''' LOOP            INSERT INTO itemproperty (ipItemid,ipPropertyid,ipValue)                SELECT
itemid,propertyid, pairs[i][2] FROM property 
WHERE prName = pairs[i][1];            GET DIAGNOSTICS rc = ROW_COUNT;            result := result + rc;            i
:=i + 1;        END LOOP;        RETURN result;    END;'
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

> But my array syntax is wrong  ...
> Here is my schema from earlier
> -- Here is a sketch schema
>  itemid serial,
>  PRIMARY KEY (itemid)
> );
> CREATE TABLE property (
>  propertyid serial,
>  prName text,
>  UNIQUE(prName),
>  PRIMARY KEY(propertyid)
> );
> CREATE TABLE itemproperty (
>  itempropertyid serial,
>  ipItemid int REFERENCES item(itemid),
>  ipPropertyid int REFERENCES property(propertyid),
>  ipValue text,
>  UNIQUE(ipItemid,ipPropertyid),
>  PRIMARY KEY(itempropertyid)
> );
> -- Sample data
> INSERT INTO property (prname) VALUES('name');
> INSERT INTO property (prname) VALUES('rank');
> INSERT INTO property (prname) VALUES('serial');
> INSERT INTO item (itemid) VALUES(nextval('item_itemid_seq'));
> INSERT INTO itemproperty (ipItemid,ipPropertyid,ipValue)
>     SELECT currval('item_itemid_seq'),propertyid,'John Wayne'
>     FROM property WHERE prname = 'name';
> INSERT INTO itemproperty (ipItemid,ipPropertyid,ipValue)
>     SELECT currval('item_itemid_seq'),propertyid,'XP453-2421'
>     FROM property WHERE prname = 'serial';
> ==============================
> David Stanaway
> Personal:
> Work:
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
Best Regards
David Stanaway
Technology Manager
Australia's Premier Internet Broadcasters
Phone: +612 9357 1699
Fax: +612 9357 1169
The Inspire Foundation is proudly supported by Net Ventures through the 
provision of streaming solutions for it's national centres.  The Inspire 
Foundation is an Internet-based foundation that inspires young people to 
help themselves, get involved and get online. Please visit Inspire at